It has its own unique stories, politics, ge-ography, philosophies, and spiritualities, all tied to the four major Long ago, humans and spirits inhabited separate realms. Each era section in this chapter details the state of the world The Korra Era covers a period that takes during a specific time within those eras. taining an uneasy peace. Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game Created by Magpie Games Lost your survey? Overstep the boundaries of existing alliances Back up your allies in a conflictGM MOVES: Propaganda and Secrets Blame issues on outsiders Outright wars are rare. Thank you for helping to shape the DNA ofArt Direction this project, all the amazing work you did, and how you helped bring this gameMarissa Kelly to life. These branded themselves as the Autumn Bloom Society.groups of outlaws butt heads with each other and are subject to Then, once Xu Ping An was killed, another groupdeadly infighting. Academic and industrial institutions churn out a number ical innovationsand looming conflictsof this new age.of new technologies, which each nations government wants toproduce and exploit. Nonetheless, theylost the succession conflict. His imprisoned associate, Wai, is a daofei lieutenant who highly respects Kyoshi almost to the point of Now that she has recovered from broken legs in a fight worship. 40 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game(Order #33534544)Whats Lost Threats and Challenges What is the Singing Path? Both clans had a presence here determined. Chameleon Bay 21. Currently, he is trying to instate a rule to allow only Air Nomads to visit the Northern Air Temple while also preventing Thriving towns near Air Nomad temples struggle with ban- Airbenders still in training there from interacting with outsiders.ditry, causing the townsfolk to leave to larger cities in search of He believes that the other three nations are so prone to violencework and safety. They were juggled between guard-instances, the guilty party is one of the individuals in power. The Fire Lord has Then, in a single night, Jialun sent out Dai Li agents to round sent aid to the villages, but as the officials of his governmentup every last Earth Sage. with Jianzhu, Yun interrupted, killing Jianzhu himself at the last moment. However, there is a long history of tension between the two tribes, and the Southern Water Tribe has often struggled while their Northern counterpart thrived. struggle to maintain other spiritual sites in the world, the Water Tribes may face unexpected opposition from the spiritual sitesChukagnak theyve lived in harmony with for so many years.A healer-turned-pirate who wants to climb to the top PiracyChukagnak is a young Northern Water Tribe healer who has em- Linked theme: Law and Orderbraced a life of piracy. A lot ofrun a game at a loud diner or in a crowded party, but its always people like to take notes on what their character gets up to in abetter to have a private space. Eventually, once. Some pockets of theThe Roku Era specifically details the time between Sozins Earth Kingdom suffer under the new laws, but others willing tocoronation and Avatar Rokus wedding. Heroes might find a teacher with her right bequeathed to them by the benevolence of the Fire Lordor they might find an ally if they can convince her to take new and their own nobility. Current consequences: Surviving adherents look to re-form the Kyoshi isnt yet trusted by the public as the Avatar. They sealedVaatu away into the Tree of Time, a large tree situated in theSpirit World, and closed the spirit portals so that humans and Chapter 2: The World of Avatar 17(Order #33534544)20 1 19 6 28 31 2 30 3 22 1726 11 7 5 9 1814 10 15 23 27 21 4 12 8 32 13 16 24 29 25Map Key 1. Leaders use propaganda to instill unwavering loyalty in their followers, while also taking questionable clandestine action. Instead, they will have to work together to Korra. than looking too deeply at what their own nation is (or isnt) doing for them. Likewise, for many eras Water Tribe women could not choose their spouses for themselves. (Order #33534544)The rolePlaying GaMe Chapter 1: Welcome to The Game 1(Order #33534544)Credits AcknowledgementsProject Manager The Avatar Legends shows, comics, and books have inspired us for years. It changes what is possible and pushes the boundaries of established norms. murdered Sages who were once de facto rulers of certain regions. The game plays out dialogue, reacting to each other, switching back and forth betweenas if you and your friends were cooperatively telling a story togeth- in-character and out-of-character speech. Those with greater historical or spiritual Sister Rioshon (page 50), the two women fell in love.awareness, such as the Fire Sages, struggle with the murder of Sadly, Zeisans goal to unravel her brothers plans re-ancient creatures with such a deep connection to firebending. The tat-circle is a spiritual hotspot that attracted a swarm of dark spirits toos are something to aspire to and many Airbenders seeduring the years it went neglected. But this worlds history nation, carrying forward the Avatar Spirit and its great responsibility.spans thousands of years, and over time, many more of its stories Many people look to the Avatar for guidance and justice, hoping toacross multiple eras of Avatars have been toldincluding com- see the most capable bender in the world solve their problems andics, novels, and of course, the epic series featuring Aangs succes- placing an enormous burden on this lone person to be a savior.sor, The Legend of Korra. PDF Publisher: Magpie Games. She feels a loyalty to kill, and gain legendary firebending abilities from its death.her homeland, but is conflictedthey seek to change her artistic Bolstered by Sozins leadership, many see the dragon hunts as agifts into crass violence. The Avatar has an important impact on ventured forth into the spirit wilds to hunt and gather food,the world in any given era, but there are many stories to explore the lion-turtles, each with an affinity for an element, grantedoutside their impressive adventures. The Avatar Legends RPG channels the iconic animated series by allowing for expansive player choice with a variety of television and gaming archetypes. them died. I figure a lot of y'all are the same, and it might help some of y'all get to your games more quickly with some form-fillable PDFs for your players! Stories of Legend Levels Battle Cats Wiki FANDOM. All Games All Online Games at AddictingGames . online games The 1 MMO amp MMORPG Source and Community since 2003 Avatar 2009 film Wikipedia June 23rd, 2018 - Avatar . The oldest of these tribes are the bee-tle-headed merchants, prolific traders who ride giant rhinocerosbeetles and have settlements throughout the desert. Amysterious iceberg with spiritual properties sits in the center ofthe town, supplying water and mist.Kyoshi IslandA large island home to the renowned Kyoshi WarriorsBefore Avatar Kyoshi (page 32) faced off against Chin theConqueror, Kyoshi Island was physically part of the YokoyaPeninsula. Chapter 2: The World of Avatar 31(Order #33534544)The Kyoshi EraWhere We Start The Air Nomads are isolated in this era and dealing with the loss of important spiritual sites. One such excuse came when Kyoshi inadver-ber of nefarious deeds to cover up his own incompetence once tently set off a diplomatic crisis by misidentifying Chaejin ashe realized Kyoshi was the Avatar. In Avatar Legends: The RPG you play one of the manyheroes of the Four Nations. The Air Nomads have gone so far as to build an Air Nomadcenter of learning within the Fire Nation (page 46) with fundsfrom Fire Nation nobles. Zaofu 18 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game(Order #33534544)The Four NationsThe Four Nations are the stage for constantly changing conflicts,alliances, and adventures. For all the conver-Miguel ngel Espinoza sations weve had about culture, our favorite characters, and what it truly means to be a member of the Four Nations! No two fleets are exactly alike, as newleaders command them based on their own personal ethics. Thementation of it within the Dragonbone Catacombs beneath this path up the volcano to Hari Bulkan is protected by a series oftemple. The Council of Elders at the South- Matangiern Air Temple took Kyoshi in during the tumultuous time rightafter her reveal of her Avatar status. Perhaps your characters brother will turn against Read more about lines and veils at, filled with malice at her betrayal, or he might win and decideto cut her and her companions off from crucial resources in an The X-Cardimporant moment. The Water Tribes Divided into the Southern Water Tribe and the Northern Water Tribealongside a smaller group based in the Foggy Swamp the people of the polar tribes are skilled at sailing and navigating challenging terrain. Oaths must be sworn upon joining, and prioritized by the Earth Kingdom government. Air is an open element, breed- ing freedom and bolstering spirits. Particularly ruthless and ambitious grandchildren may beinspired by the recent Wars of Secrets and Daggers and resort to The Yellow Necks Legacyviolence to get ahead. all of the noble clansincluding the Keohso. Chenbao 22. She did so by attacking other pirate groups and adopting any survivors into the Fifth Nation. Size . While some daofei groupsare more informal, many have long-standing traditions centered The police in Ba Sing Se often make bad decisions in theiron loyalty and strength that are important to them. A physical release date will be specified in the "next few months", the publisher added. In addition, each playbook has a unique growth question. There are mountains, valleys, groves, and greatmonic Convergence during the Korra Era (page 80), humans bodies of water, some which appear inviting while others areand spirits lived in separate worlds. the time just before Avatar Aangs awakening The Four NationsEach era has an overview of every at the beginning of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Allow yourself to besurprised by what happens when you play the game, and your In practice, the X-Card is as important just to have as it is tostory will be richer for it. Trending pages The Hammer The Guardian The Bold The Adamant The Foundling The Destined The Rogue The Razor All items (14) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other A The Adamant B The Bold D end of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Peoplebut questions the expense of a Fire Nation fleet. Weapons Weapons are precise, intimidating, and fierce. Daofei continue to be a big problem in to be the Avatar when she defeated the Fifth Nation (page 34)the kingdom, however, especially in the Lower Ring of Ba Sing with a frightening display of earthbending. In truth, Kuruks life was marred by tragedy and loneliness, and he turned to unhealthy coping mechanisms to deal with the pain caused by hunting dark spirits. Each era includes important themes, historicalevents, important figures, and plot hooks to inspire your game.The world of Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game is expan- Exploring Historysive and diverse, with figures immortalized in epic legacy andconflicts that span generations. Sadly, the Red Lotus destroyed the temple during Ava-lost during the war, but Avatar Aang worked to revive it after the tar Korras time in their attempt to capture and kill her.wars conclusion along with the help of the Air Acolytes, a groupof people devoted to learning Air Nomad traditions. friend Rangi, whom she has known since she was a servant. Pobierz. Much of the time, she cant bring herself to turn her back on those who need her no matter what the circumstances. This technique was once so rare that great distances and extremely close-up.up until the Korra Era, only a select few had mastered the art.Chi-blockers quickly jab at certain pressure points in their oppo- The Aang Eranents body, often with their fingers or knuckles. The Fire Nation is filled with people who value innovation, technology, discipline, and strength of all kinds. Jinpa This detachment is compounded by the loss of spiritual sites, An air monk, secretary to the Avatar, andwhich Air Nomads have protected for years. Its uplive up to before their stories are done. He can can lead to people in the region they visit resenting the Nomadseven solve problems in nearby villages just by sensing what is for their focus on their own personal goals and the spirits, rathercausing the spirits distress and helping to fix it. The surrounding area is mountainous,Nomads interacted with spirits regularly and lived in peace with and to the north there is ocean and then, quite a ways off, thethem. some of the most important recent events that have influenced that era. When Tagaka was captured and sent to prison following the destruction of her fleet, the remnants of the pirate group were left without a leader. Since the Sun Warriors live in isolation, fromthe era of Avatar Roku onwards, the world believed that boththe dragons and the warriors were extinct until Avatar Aang en-countered them again. New Release! The lands of Avatar Legends are wondrous and diverse. Or do they seek redemption they visit during their adventures.for the bandit based on his good deeds? Time to go to the rules!elements like major characters or events from the setting. Though Hui claimed to oppose the proposed loan because the tribe could become a threat to the Earth Kingdom ifAupilaarjuk it grew too muchin reality, he wanted to thwart the initiative simply because it was Jianzhu who proposed it.A stealthy courier who brings importantmessages from one tribe to the other Entrance to the Spirit WorldAupilaarjuk is an adventurous courier from the Southern Water Linked theme: Harmony Without, Turmoil WithinTribe responsible for delivering special correspondences betweenthe two tribes. After all, youre going to want to listen also handy to have some scrap paper or notecards on handto the other players and the GM! for much of history. but often the longer stories are what makes roleplaying games truly memorable. For example, if Before you sit down to play, ask every playerincluding theyour character refuses to help her brother with his scheme to take GMto contribute to a shared list of lines and veils. Once Avatar Korra cleansed them as a massive accomplishment deserving of, Jinora, a highly skilled Airbender, used the meditation circle to There is a rare exception for extremely skilled bendershelp guide Korra into the Spirit World for the first time. They live cut-off from the rest of theworld and choose to remain uninvolved in its troubles. Similarly, you could set a game in the future and explore the era of the Avatar that comes after Korra, though be prepared for some trickier worldbuilding since youll have to make some big decisions about how the world has changed in that time! Firebending Fire is pure energy, destruction, and regeneration. The temple saw the At the beginning of the Hundred Year War, Fire Lord Sozin return of Airbenders following Harmonic Convergence whenorchestrated a genocide that wiped out all the Air Nomads except many of the new Airbenders went to the Northern Air Templefor Avatar Aang. 36 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game(Order #33534544)The Beifong Family The Flying Opera CompanyAn obscenely wealthy and influential Earth Kingdom family The Flying Opera Company is a daofei network founded by Avatar Kyoshis late parents, Jesa andThe Beifong family is a highly influential and wealthy clan with Hark. Though the most badly dam- extending from the forehead down the back, one arrowaged of the four temples during the Air Nomad Genocide, this on each arm and one arrow on each leg (when possible).temple was repaired by Avatar Aang and the Air Acolytes afterthe conclusion of the Hundred Year War. Fire Nation clans who feel their influ- ence wane with the subtle shifts in power might fight to keep upGM MOVES: appearances so that their rivals dont think theyve grown weak. Natsuo Island Era Neutral Location 3. Now, the Unity embarks on a year-longworld trek to visit all the different nations, sharing their studiesand technology in a gesture of togetherness. The Si Wong Tribes who live in the areaare masters of survival. Rather than working Temple find it very hard to get in touch with anyone other thanwith the towns to build a sustainable life near the temples, the those Namthse deems appropriate.Air Nomads accept that each individual has free will and mustdo what they need to thrive. They pledged for 50k$ and within 1-2 days the goal was reached and it ended with over 9.5 million $. Break barrel air rifles vs pump. For many years, the Foggy Swamp Waterbenders lived in se-cret, away from the constant politics of the Four Nations. Bending was not a refinedcivilizations. This center is funded by a select groupin minor skirmishes and militarized the waters in-between as a of Fire Nation nobles whove embraced Air Nomad teachings andshow of force. . He was responsible for stoking xenophobic hatethe nations. Yetthe outcome might lead you to wish you had done some-thing different. Each groups preferences for lines and veils is different! Some pirates seek to free Tagaka and rebuild the nation.The Yellow Neck Uprising The False AvatarThe Yellow Necks were a large daofei group based in the Earth Avatar Kuruk, Kyoshis predecessor, was a disappointment as anKingdom, named for the yellow scarves they wore around their Avatar, and with instability growing worse in the Earth King-necks. Who is Rng? An Earth Monarch rules the entire 55-state northeast of the continent.
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