Niskachgelunewagan, an abominable lie. Pilapeu, big boy; (a grown-up lad, not yet connected with pallikamindeu, water overflows because of a fire. Wscheechachquall, chips, shavings. Gachgamun, roasted com; (alludes to the noise made in Giskhammen, to chop. Wemoltin. Tschitani, strong. Pindawan, to clothe somebody, to dress some one. Mamschaloussowagan, the being remembered, remembrance. Mawachpo, collector. Laphaken, to replant. or frying. Wachganessu, Z.. lean (bony, from wochgan. Pemhallachpen, to hunt in company. A.) Woapalanne, bald eagle. Machtalappajo, bad morning weather. Gachten, dry. A.) Glikatepiso, hobbled. Nischeleney, twofold, two sorts. Winak, sassafras. A.) A.) A.) Achgiguwewagan, sport, pastime. Schingiptikan, leather string, rope. Wawulauchsin, to live orderly, to live blameless. Eh! Majauchsin, to be of one mind. The Lenape Gunih, a long while. Peechgawinachgaja, calf of the elbow. Elilenin, as is usual with one, as is customary. Kikeyin, to be old, to be aged. A.) Nipawin, to stand, to stand up. Wulistammen, to believe. negro (lit., black face. Nipachton, to raise, to set up. Ihih! Sakitnawagan, kingdom. Manittowihak, steel. A.) Schawanachen, southerly wind. oh! disposed; to act so. Angellowi, mortal, deadly. Allami, in there, therein, within. unless. Wochganiponk, hard burnt ashes. A.) next fall. there were many. Lennowasquall, fern; (lit., male fern.) Equohellen, to depart this life, to die. Schawi, immediately, directly. Achtschingiochwen, to venture to go. Ktschukquihhilleu, it moves, it stirs. Gochpelolakan, canoe rope, boat line. Maschilamek, trout; (lit., "like a fish," not Leppoewina, cunning man. Undach, here, this way. Hawk Mountain History gachtun, to bind, A.) in use. Mesittewall, corn boiled whole; (out of use. A.) Ta. Nachquoawe, anything. Alappaje, early Tschetschpissin, to disagree, to wrangle. Lokat, flour; (something broken into bits; loken, Wihunuemuin, to hold a feast. Juketeek! Machgeuachgook, Z., copper snake. Petisgamen, to drive hither. Newowikan, four fathoms. Quilawelensitchewagan, distress, anquish. Mantowagan, spiritual power (from manitto.) A.) Nutachgamen, somebody calls from the other side of the Ajanhelendamoagan, indifference. Lappi, again, once more; -tchen, as much again. A.) Wewoatamowino, wise man. Achgiwalittewagan, deceit, fraud. A. afloat. Wdelschusowagan, grief, sorrow. Salamoagan, weeping, howling; (collective form, a number Meken, to give away, to surrender. Pepachgitshiminhis, manifold in the belly of animals. of machti-manitto. fear.) of the copyist for melih. Z., a boundary (a line, a mark. Linhakamike, upland; (see Lenhacki.) Amanganachquiminschi, Spanish oak. A.) Penihillan, to fall off, to fall down. Noch, my father. Wisquon, elbow; tobacco twist. Mehittschohawi, corporeal material. Yukefla, 0 that! Pintschihillachton, to put on; to make slip in. A.) Yuni, H., this, this one. Tepi, enough. that recurs again and again. Tschikhikan, broom. sakima, A.) to walk morally or otherwise, not literally. Nukachtummen, to forsake, to leave. Pennahum, to break off, to knock down. where; talli, whitherwards; undachqui, it; Wannessowoagan, forgetfulness. Gangamattok, bad action, bad behavior; (out of use. Wahh, egg. Welapassigan, good physic. Wuliechtschessu, hollow, rotten; (out of use. A.) river, he wants to be fetched across. Woapaneu, morning. Machtatenamoagan, unhappiness, discontent. Woapasum, white sunshine. Lekhasik, written. This Group Begs to Differ. Notamaeishican, H., a fishing spear. Apanachen, to come from cutting wood. A.) Machtschilissowagan, sin. A.) Majauchsowagan, union, unity, agreement. Meschatamen, to remember. Nechit, third. Tauchechin, to listen privately. Gelen'nin, to take hold, (or, to hold in the hand. Metschitschi, at last, the last time. Apel, apple. Woakus, the gray fox. A.). Segantpechink, overhead. Ulakanahtinschi, elm tree;ulakanahemunschi, Z. Schawanachgook, Z., horned snake. Tschetschpat, otherwise, differently; it does not join Apachtschiechton, to display, to set something up, to Liechsowagan, language. Matschinamen, to take ill; to be ill pleased. A.) Ojos, meat, flesh; a piece of meat. Na, Miltowagan, gift (without expectation of return. Manuppekhasu, skimmed. Menen, to drink. Nihillan, to strike somebody. Wipachsoagan, fear; (out of use. Machtandowinenk, Z, hell; (lit., among the devils. too much. Pethakwonn, Z, a thunder gust. the water; (gamink. Tipasigawan, hen coop; (kikipshican. cry together. etc. Gischikheu, to finish a house, to make a house ready, Lenape were the OG caretakers of the Delaware River Machtschikamikunk, Z., a burial place. Wulaku, evening. Wilooxi, warm thyself. or small. Achpoem, roasted corn. Schagsut, Z.. covetous (out of use. Holy; (lit., washed; not used now in Witawentin, to be together, to live or dwell with each Ptukschummen, to cut round. Wimbeneman, to relieve somebody; (to sacrifice one's self Machquissu, swelled. (lit., beat Machtissa, bad, ugly. A.). A) Wulowachtauwoapin, to look over, to look beyond. cubbachcan schackeef, a thick skin. A.) Miechponkthey, light white ashes. Schauwussu, weak. sanctified. Quatscliee! Wewundachqui, on both sides; opposite; wewundachqui'weu A.) Palenachtchapachki, five hundred. Ochquechum, female of beasts. Machtauchsuwi, sinful. Temahikan, axe, hatchet. Pomih', fat, oil, tallow. Gischapan, daylight, daybreak. A.) off. Peschgonktchapachki, nine hundred Wulatenamoagan, happiness. Pachgelendan, Z. Nanne, this one; that; so;-Ieu, that is the way Tuppehelleu, it flows out, it runs out; (ktuppe'helleu, Tschimamus, rabbit. Schesquim, bran, corn husk; (schequasquim. Hokes, bark of a tree; (some particular bark not now known. Uchtechsut, obtained by pounding. Schiwamallsin, to feel grief and pain. Nag'atamen, to trust, to confide in, to rely upon. A. Huh! Machtaptonen, to speak uncivilly, to talk roughly, to Achtschipilissin, to act strangely, to behave wonderfully. Skattek, burning, ardent, fervent, zealous, hot; (see Nianque, Z., a wild cat. Tschinga, pike fish. The Lenni Lenape language belongs to the large Algonquian language family. A.) A.) WebLanguage: Lenape or Unami Delaware is an Algonquian language originally spoken in New Jersey, Delaware and Pennsylvania. A.) Kschiechanittowit, Holy God. A. Thaquetto, short. Lachauwelendam, to be concerned for something; to be troubled Gegauwink, bed. Anatschihuwewagan, care, cautiousness. Tahunnan, to arrest somebody, to take some one prisoner. O my! Ngutteli, one, single; singly. off. Tachquoakches, fall skin. Schiphasu, spread out, extended. Nostamoewagan, understanding. Togihillan, to arise, to awake. Kschiechelensin, to believe to be blameless, to believe Wdee, heart Schauwinaxowagan, weakness, weakly look. A.) Dalakihillen, to tear, rend in two. A.) Undauchsin, to live from, to live on. Pennauwelendam, to think, to consider, Gamenowinenk, on the other side of the great sea. Woachejeu, clear, light. is a compound, is no longer used. Awossagame, heaven; (lit., the place beyond or out of Littin, to say to each other, to say among themselves. Schiquitehasik, chips. Tachquahoakaniminschi, guin tree. Machkametank, stream of a reddish color. Tgauwitti, soft, mild; slowly, by little and little; also Wunachgin, thou hand ! hand) Pilewiechgussin, to be cleansed, to be made pure. Allum, dog; (more exactly, any domesticated animal. Achwon, strong, spirituous; (forcible, violent, A.) H., sit another. Ganschala'muin, to cry out. A.). Winuwelchittewagan, supplication. A. ) Bingtschwanak, E., the pupil of the eye. Lechauhanne, fork of a river. Loaktschehellen, Z., it leaps, it jumps. -cet, what may it be? Schauwutteu, withered, faded. Tangamikan, spear. Nawalittin, to pursue each other. Achgepinqueu, to be blind; (to be blindfolded, A.) Metsc n., to fall in; to vanish. A.) Gischiton, to make ready, to prepare, to finish. A.). Tschiquoalale, a muscle; (a snail, refers to the spiral Modern anthropologists estimate the population of the Lenni Lenape or Delaware Indians to which Tamanend belonged as between 2,500 and 12,000. A.) Gischkschummen, to cut with knife. Tamse, sometimes, now and then, perhaps;-nall, once, finally;-ta Sakima, chief, king. Alakschachan, the wind ceases. Patient; (a person who waits. Awossijey, over, over there, beyond, on the other side, Ntite, for. Schin'geu, level; sclzingliacki, Z., a flat Gulukquihillan, to be lame; (out of joint. Neweleney, fourfold. Titpanunschi, bitter hickory tree; (titpanim. Mawachpoagan, tribute, tax. (doubtful. Chaaschtchapachki, eight hundred. Ntiktoouni, only one night. Achtuchwiecheken, deer's hair. Gachpees, twin. Aney, road, walking road, path. Wsit, foot. Newopachki, four hundred. it looks otherwise. Nguttitehen, to be of one heart and mind, to agree. Chokquinen, to cough. Manschasquoakan, scythe. Moschpekat, clear water. A.) Wundanglen, to die for some cause. Awe'hellea, Z., a bird (this is the generic term now in Wusken, anew, latterly. Lenape Language and the Delaware Indian Tribe Queschanigat, tooth holes. Wtehim, strawberries. Pakquehellan, to desert. Meechxit, the red one. A.) Lehellechen, to live, to breathe. Packcha'ck, Z. Metschimi, soon, presently. dream, etc, (to dream good things. Sillkitehemen, to press, to squeeze. Papesu. A.) Pagachtschateu, full, filled; (arch., A.) present. Quilawelensu, doubtful, uncertain. Woalak, hole in the ground. OA Brotherhood Ntitechto, for, because. Mequik, bloody. Palliaan, to go away. Mauwi, go and tell. Mosigawan, cow stable. How to pronounce Lenni-Lenape correctly. Pommixin, to creep. A.) Gahowes, mother; (g'ichk, ny mother. Elgilen, as tall as, as big as. painful look. Ichauweleman, Tachquambeso, tied together. A.) see! Tscholentit, little bird. Eluwitakauwussit, the best, the supremely good. A, indeed, (lit.. red fruit tree. Pachschaquoacan, broad saw, board saw. Nischasch tcha pachki, seven hundred. Amandamuwi, sensitive. it rains now and then; it rains by showers, A.) Allumtoonhen, to say on. Wowoatammowino, wise man. Wulamallessuwi, well, happy. Eluwak, most powerful. Pallhiken, to shoot amiss; (pallakhiken. Achkiwitehewagan, irresolution. Waselenemen, to lighten, to kindle. Wiaki, enough and to spare; plenty, abundance. Hokquoan, pothook; a chain. Petenumman, to be brought to somebody; (Pet'numawan, A.) Amemensuwi, childlike, childish. A.) Happachpoon, chair; saddle; bench; seat. some one. boat. Squandamnen, to chew. A. Wachtschu, hill, mountain. Menet, drunkard. Logihilleu, it falls in. Pehowen, to wait. Wsamiechen, too much. Wsihotewagan, gain, profit. Manitto, maker, Creator, God; (properly, spirit, not maker. Wischalau, frightened. Tuptschehelieu, it roils, it revolves. / English Dictionary. Schachihilleu, it slips, it slides.
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