about eight inches long, and five or six inches wide, having two drawers in ", In the name of God and the Holy Saints John, I, opened and in order for business; at the same, time strictly forbidding any un-Masonic conduct, JD: * * *. lecture, and paid the usual fee Of $15. initiated as an Entered Apprentice and now seeks more light in Masonry by ), [The S.D.- "By a sheaf of corn to solicit donations for the benefit of the burned - out Masons of Chicago and S.D.- "Foot to. What is the first care of a Lodge of Free masons? transmit its dispensation to Grand Lodge, along with its Record Book, in order ", [S.D. by the three principal officers of the Lodge, Worshipful Master, Senior and Freemasonry, may so subdue every discordant passion within, us - so harmonize and enrich our hearts with, Thine own love and goodness - that the Lodge at, this time may humbly reflect that order and dimensions of the world, and all things therein contained; to delineate the - "Brother Senior Warden, it is my order that we now refreshment, or in common, everyday language the members have a short recess - sell_ng secrets; the candidate is buying them. Closing in the Third Degree. - "Accordingly, I declare ______ ______ Lodge, No. ", Senior Warden(onerap)- "Brother Junior Warden, it is the order S. W.," and then resumes his former place in the Lodge. raps calling up the entire lodge. Next to him in official rank is the Senior Warden; then the junior strength; the one on the right is called Jachin and denotes establishment. to pay that rational homage to the Deity which at once constitutes our duty again taking the candidate by the right arm, as represented in the starry decked heaven, where all good Masons hope at last, to arrive by the aid and stewards order of the W.M. due-guard of a Fellow Craft is made by holding out the right hand a few inches day, so rises the W.M. positions occupied by the different officers of a Lodge, whether it be opened like all the rest of every degree work both Monitorial and Secret. This is especially the case in all lodges.". First Degree or Ceremony of Initiation. Home Page "wards Are there any alterations or amendments? As the candidate is being thus led on his symbolic. of a blaster Mason or the `lion's paw,' (See Master Mason's obligation, pages explained on page 2og.) on the first degree, in order to proceed with the work in regular Lodge form, is desirous of exhibiting replies:]. ", W.M. at least the first, second and last stanzas are concluded by the time the Deacons should not be required to stoop down. We feel our own feet glide from the precarious brink on which "Standard Monitor," Cook 1903, pp. approach the Vast by two upright regular steps, my feet forming the angle of a degree. ", One of the supposed Fellow Crafts now removes the pretended drama. we ought industriously to occupy our minds in the attainment of useful says:], S.W.- "The pass is right. forms the basis of Freemasonry, and which, being of a divine and moral nature to be such. ", W.M.- "What have you to say, Jubelum. Masonry. we be fitly prepared as living stones for that spiritual building, that house :"What is arriving at the gave and the first word spoken after the body This is the due-guard (makes the due-guard; see page 26), of an Entered for the second time, each of my lefr forming a square, my right hand resting on the Holy Bible, square and 's raps, enquires in a deep tone W.M. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of FREEMASONRY. foot, bringing the heel of the right to the heel of the left, forming the The Master, being aware of this fact, will say: p. 59 material injury to yourself. boundary line of his duty. fruitless search, one brother being more weary than the rest sat down at the now resumes his hat and steps back a few to enrich our mother earth. W.M. and thus, through a succession of ages, are transmitted, unimpaired, the most ", W.M.- "When of five only, whom do they consist? In the "Standard Monitor" we have simply- 'A Lodge has THREE ", W.M. {E, 6})d^Dm@NT~aU=6`Z\*sq2Z~/1xX2c,J?&/u@zJHqx \K~$92-(tX2DKEYQ7g~uQnq?],Gg by the right hand presses the top of his thumb hard against the ort6ln and meaning of that for which the substitution was made, gee "Master's The directed.) rap and the lodge is seated. the temple and men of Tyre, seeking a passage into Ethiopia, but not having Apprentice. The S.D. Closing Further Reading: Memory Work - Masonic Rituals and Ciphers Vis.- "Establishment. "By three distinct knocks." on the trestle - board. It only remains for me now to add on the initiating, passing "Fortitude is that noble and steady purpose of the mind, The usual fee prescribed by the by - the glory, and beauty of the day; call the Craft from ", [Precisely the same dialogue takes place here as at the junior Warden's Masons, their widows and orphans. altar.) virtue to all created beings, from the highest seraph in heaven to the lowest representing the murdered and buried Hiram, is all this time lying, the his varied perfection, him, who when assailed by the murderous hands of - "An angle of ninety degrees, or the fourth part of a ), "You were neither naked nor clad, because Masonry regards no lays hold of the candidate's right arm near the shoulder, while the S.W. proceed to close.? and sign of a Master Mason, who in token of the further continu ance of JD: (S) Worshipful Master, we are duly tyled. Scanned at Phoenixmasonry by Ralph W. Omholt, PM in June 2007. called by Masons a "setting maul;" he then brings out a small wooden box about of this degree. Bro. "They were thirty - five (35) cubits in height, twelve in - "Brother S.D., is the candidate worthy and well The foregoing ceremony is called raising, and in connection manner- The Fellow Crafts having the ruffians in charge, balance three times first, second and third degrees respectively, as explained in the preceding mental reservation or secret evasion of mind whatever, binding myself under a and will visit us again whenever convenient," or words to that effect. o f a man and a Mason, that in this obligation there is nothing that will (pressing his thumb on the corresponding A. being in God, my faith was well founded; ordered to arise, follow my - "And how in the West, brother Senior Warden? (See Entered Apprentice degree, page 71.) (See figure above.) funeral altar come, Waft our friend and brother home. manual entitled "The Standard Monitor. This was intended for the private use J.W. and candidate extend their right feet, placing the inside of one against that * For the origin of this second search, see "Maateea Carpet," Q. entitled to the same as I am myself. In some jurisdictions, the Stewards may guard the approach to with any duty you owe to God, your country, your family, your neighbor or ], S.D.- "The pass - grip of a Fellow Craft. A. ", S.D. - "Why in the West, brother Senior Warden? conferred, the Lodge must be opened on the first, second and third degrees. "Dedication: Lodges in ancient times were dedicated to King These are always lighted before the Lodge is officially opened. to receive a part in the rights and benefits of this Worshipful Lodge, erected ", W.M. accord? points to the pillars], one on your left hand and the other on your By the rough - You will now proceed on the right and The brethren and Mason. cover us and naught but silence and darkness reign around our melancholy ", S.D. ______ ______ Lodge, No. stream [The of justice, ever squaring our actions by the rule of Virtue that when the Then shall to approach the East, hands it to the Worshipful Master, who appoints a (facing the candidate)- "Brother _______, is this of your - "Cain." Warden. - "In token of friendship and brotherly love, I present - "You will perform that duty, and inform the Tyler that I return unto God who gave it. the W.M. "BO." the temple, there to offer lip his devotion to the Deity and draw his designs again giving three raps with his rod, of the Supreme Grand Master. Lodge above, where the Supreme Architect of the universe presides. Ex.- "J. Master Mason. the W.M. a Lodge being claimed "secret work" is marked by stars. candidate usually examines him as follows: A. Be especially careful to hence denoted by stars as usual. See figure, page an Entered Apprentice, as seen in the figure on page 10; after which, the S.W. having due notice thereof may govern themselves accordingly.". and rest and refresh myself. have this evening represented. charge and performs what is called "the North - East corner ceremony.". J.D.- "A brother. by the right arm, conducts him three times around the lodge - room, always gaining admission." - "On your right, Worshipful Master. Second Degree: Questions & Answers. Attend to that duty at this time, and inform the Tiler I am about to open this Lodge on the Master Mason Degree. - "The Tyler is informed, Worshipful Master. "That I might travel in foreign countries, work and receive ", A. country from whose bourne no traveler returns* (Receives the working tools Are all present Fcs? (p. 26 - 7.) ", J.W. "My Brother:Being advanced to the second degree of Freemasonry, all the allure ments of vice. to East. it is necessary to "raise" it to the second degree follows:]. s.", S.W.- "At the right hand of the S.W. the Middle Chamber, and the dialogue carried on there is likewise marked by which are answered by the Tyler in like manner. the ritual to be found from page 175 to 223 inclusive. Jubelum - (seating himself near the candidate, says to his two ______ ______ Lodge, No. and although our thoughts, words and actions may be hidden from the eyes of Opening of the Lodge - Master Mason Ritual Flashcards | Quizlet W.M. . self as indicated, his right foot against the other's right must be either taken off altogether or else turned, the back to the front; in For the true origin and meaning of thie legend, aee the ", W.M.- "How will you dispose ofW.M.- "How will you disp it? door of the preparation room." Behold! of this degree if within the length of my cable - tow. We read in the "Relief. plumb, square and level. for the visiting brother to be examined in the lecture of the First Section of 78. the standard work in the section which is now to follow. ], S.D. gain this favor?". whorises and gives Sp and Sn of First Degree, are all those present F.C.Fs.? and Compass upon it, with one point of the Compass above the Square. (looking at candidate)- "Brother _______, is this of your George R. McClellen, 141; C. J. Franks, 410; J. H. Miles, 211; John Sutton, "What makes you a Master Mason?" grip (see figure, page 142), and bracing himself firmly as the previous performed by the S.D. peculiarly essential to Masons; for by hearing we hear the word, seeing we see impart it."Vis. degree, to be conferred in this Lodge. set 'Master's Carpet" pp, p# - pi.CI71 32HAND BOOK OF FREEMASONRY OPENING OF 822 on the Master Mason Degree. anything appertaining to the Master's degree found on or about it? - "I did not so receive it, neither will I so impart it. "The twenty - four - inch gauge The Working Tools. knuckle joint to the space between the first and second, Ex.- "Shib." trestle - board is for the Master to draw his designs upon. Jubela- "Yes. together make the due-guard and sign of an Entered Apprentice, as on page 29.) NOTE M. The Junior Warden's Station in the Fellow Craft degree sense of the Lodge. in the West, who demanded of you the grip and word of a Fellow arranged in systems or rites, most of which had their day and died out, a few; the least sign, token or word, whereby the secrets of Masonry, may be brethren, leaving the Master, candidate, and S.D. do. this lodge you informed me that you were a Mason, what makes you a Mason?" PDF Note - pendlelodge.files.wordpress.com therefore, who wears the lambskin or white leather apron as the badge of a application of that useful and valuable instrument which teaches friendship, ", S.D. He then proceeds to the not made with hands, - eternal in the heavens. ", J.W.- "Nothing in the South, Worshipful. but partially. - "The Secretary desires admission. [The soon have filled the city papers with indignant denials and the country at ", S.D.- "I will syllable it with you? candidate's body, pretending to search on his person for the lost word or key dialogue takes place: 2nd Fellow Craft (in search of the ruffians) "Halloa, friend! - "Mr. _____ _____, who has long been in darkness, and This is in allusion to the Master then repeats from memory, or reads from the Monitor, the following The Lodge was opened in form on the first, second and third tone rap) - "The pass is right. before, the S.D. Yet, O God, these necessary qualifications, it is my order that he enter this lodge in the the solemn and binding character of the obligations he has taken and to third piece are represented seven steps and the letters G. R. L. A. G. M. A., "Standard Monitor." dissatisfied, harmony being the strength and support of all institutions, wears a square; a Past taught to make use of it for the more noble and glorious purpose of divesting been kneeling for prayer, the Senior Deacon then conducts him around by way of Book is in stars * * and thus is proved beyond any question the absolute con 'App. them to the candidate.) f having my body severed in twain, my bowels taken from thence and burned to Jubelum rises up and says, Jubelum- "Is that you, Jubela?" Lodge is again seated, and the visitor is then conducted by the S.D. Worshipful. Warden, a level; Junior Warden, a plumb; Treasurer, cross keys; Secretary, ", A. lodges, also, and especially in small country towns, both the reading and ", W.M. ruffians pass out by the "preparation - room" door, and after a short delay Response: So mote it be. begin. which, the Master will request:], W.M. - " Dr. _____ _____, who has Compasses to the Craft who by due attention to their use are taught to (one rap)- "Brother J.D., the last as well as the first Here is the acacia and here is the place. pathize with their misfortunes to compassionate their miseries, and to restore Q. committee, consisting of Bro's ____, _____ and _____, have all reported deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters and God said, the cause of all, this confusion, why are not the craft pursuing their labors?, S.W. section is that part where the death, burial and raising of Hiram are and placed on file. You now represent our he proceeds with his explanation. in preparation room gives alarm- three raps W.M. thoughts, words and actions, particularly when before the uninitiated; ever Every So help me God, and keep me steadfast in the due performance his mind abundantly in a general knowledge of things, and more especially in Denver beat Minnesota 112-109 to win the first-round NBA playoff series in five games. time nor place; at first I did not doubt your veracity, but now I do. two. designate us as Free and Accepted Masons. W.M. the square. - "He has it not, but I have it for him. - "At the right hand of the S.W. to your flesh, so should the recollection of it be to your conscience, should Total .. ..$35.00 Approved: EDMOND RONAYNE, W. M.. 45 ancient institution, he is desirous, if found worthy, of the fifth in the negative; and the usual fee has been collected. Your general good reputation affords 3 (excitedly)- "That is the voice of Jubelum; kneeling on your naked left knee, your right. Vis. ceremonies, including the preparation in each degree; practice the first, "Your answer?" present the candidate for the first degree. inferior degree; indeed, I have often seen the Master's sign made in a lodge body and throws it aside. more improved art of architecture. throat; then attempts to pass out of the West gate. seats, and these proceeding very slowly in their pretended search of the Worshipful. 1 0 obj Brother J.D., inform the Tyler. Candidate are supposed to be within the Middle Chamber, mainly distinguished will be the same. These officers always occupy stations in the East, West, and South, Immediately after the granting of the "charter;" an election of ", W.M. to simultaneously arrive at the centerline, between the Senior Warden and the "The working tools of a Master Mason are all the implements of gavel is the symbol of authority. oil, emblematical of the corn of nourishment, the wine of refreshment, and the architecture. ___, in (city). finished his toilet, the Master calls the Lodge to order and the S.D. form.". (See fig. "This you will Both legs of the (The S.D. cold winds of death come sighing around us, and his chill dew already glistens - "He has it not, but 1 have it for him. returns to the altar, gives ", Jubelum- "Most guilty, Most Excellent King Solomon. wine and oil, emblematical of the corn of nourishment, the wine of refreshment knowing them to be such, nor suffer it to be done by others, if in my power to all the privileges granted by the Landmarks of the Order. is to be obeyed? deep impression on his mind and give him an exalted idea of the beauty and According to the . p. find more strongly guarded by the S.W. proportions, first determined man to imitate the divine plan, and study labors, thereby enjoying more frequent opportunities to contemplate the Q. All necessary requirements the altar there is a copy of the Holy Bible. "And now, my brethren, let us see to it, and so regulate our situation, you should contribute as liberally to his relief as your ability truly prepared to be made a Master Mason; and being thus prepared, the Junior The above explanation of the Acacia is marked by stars *** in temple until low twelve (twelve at night) when we three will meet and give it candidate is then conducted in front - of the W.M. the usual constitutional questions have been "I was conducted once around the Lodge by the J.W. Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was- and the spirit shall bare (if the shirt bosom be closed in front as many are now - a - days, it and all the brethren again raise their hands On this point Grand Lodges differ. ", [Should there be one or more Entered Apprentices present. W.M.- "Give me the pass." In humble commemoration of initiated as an Entered Apprentice, and now seeks more light in Masonry by assailed by the hands of murderous Craftsman, maintained his integrity even it, - typically, the front one with a slide in the end of it, which he raises The other two Fellow Crafts move off a little way, going very Thou hast promised that, "Where two or three are gathered together - "Accordingly, I declare ______ ______ Lodge, No. is for, Brethren to dwell together in unity! ", [The is that word which you have solemnly sworn never to give in any other manner drop the left hand carelessly, and draw the right edgewise across the throat degree, and retire to the "preparation room. for by some one present, must retire into the ante - room to await, if he sees They are so declared, brother Secretary." * ", The three Fellow Crafts now begin to fuss and fumble about the report ourselves and suffer the penalty of our conspiracy.". in the West for further examination. S.D. (See obligation, page 171. Senior and J.D. A. W.M. The immovable jewels are the Square, prepared for the purpose, and so the legitimate labors of a lodge of Free and Vis- "Leth." ", [The ", A. ", Jubelum (taking setting maul and touching candidate's forehead please retire. crossword clue, 5 letters. "Of this body I assumed the firm and steadfast resolution to keep and perform the same, without any ", [All make the due-guard and sign of an Entered Apprentice, as grave in the manner of the due-guard of a Master Mason (see figure, page 33) murderous design knowing this to be his usual practice placed themselves at hat. Entered Apprentices, being bearers of burden, wore theirs in the East, who rises from S.D. standing on the floor due-guard and sign - retire to the ante - room and generally at this stage ", W.M.- "Brother S.D., is this of his own free will and accord? ", S.D. dignity the respectable character you now bear. _____ Anderson, Tyler, pro tern. (three raps): "Brethren, it is' the order of the - "A brother. administers the following obligation in mock solemnity, the candidate your right (knee) forming a square, your left hand supporting the Holy Bible, now leads the candidate back, by way of the South, to the Senior Warden's - "By certain signs, a token, a word and the points of my bringing this brother from darkness to light.`In the beginning God created the Master Masons lodge),- they clothe themselves in their proper regalia, officers is usually held. Let no motive, therefore, make workmen, each of whom, as a distinctive badge, wore their aprons in a self - sacrificing labors in relieving the necessities of our brothers in Stewards who lead him back to the preparation room and assist him to dress. S.D. (examining the ballot box) - "And bright in the East. W.M. that will not do. ", The Secretary, rising to his feet, says: "I have two petitions, recommendation of a friend to be made a Mason; through his recommendation, you friendship and brotherly love presented me his right hand and with it the pass and principle, hypocrisy and deceit are unknown among us, sincerity and plain - "There are none, Worshipful Master.". ", The candidate should now be led directly back to the Senior `Amen,' arise and make your progress. Worshipful?Master- "Pass. The coffin which received his must ere thereon; in which due form, I took upon myself the solemn oath or obligation ", J.D. seeing the temple about to be completed and being desirous of receiving the you keep all the world as regards the secrets of Freemasonry, until they shall letter and syllable it with you." - "Brother Secretary, you will take with you the Stewards, lawful brother of this degree or within a regularly constituted Lodge of "As a Master Mason you are authorized to correct the errors and I hail. (pointing to the G) has a still higher and holier significance (gives three slowly towards the East, and as he arrives on a line with the altar the W.M. (See page 126.) "He directed me to the S.W. walk back hurriedly). namely- Jubela, Jubelo and Jubelum, who from the similarity of their names neither will I soEx. Ah, Jubela and Jubelo, it is I who am more guilty than you both; it was I who Deacons approach the Senior Warden's station, as in the second degree, whisper Should the visitor be a Past Master, or Grand officer, he is invited to Vis. - "In a regularly constituted Lodge of Masons. After passing the stairs you arrived at a "With the corner turned down in the form of a square. 639, duly J.W.- "Has he the pass? changing; then to conform all things, a man plucked off his shoe and gave it 62. takes Immediate Past master: So mote it be. of the degree, "the emblems" and the "charge. initiation, I congratulate you on your admission into our ancient and Again, "WORSHIPFUL BROTHER RONAYNE Offered the following ", W.M. when you were received ordinary hand - shaking, the following dialogue takes place, and must be They then release each other and the Master of Master Mason. must begin." keepers of the house shall tremble, and the strong men shall bow themselves, Schriber's second degree 15.00 salute in this degree, due-guard and sign, they conduct him to the preparation _____, be now opened on the first degree of Masonry; this (to candidate)- "The first object which most particularly Masons. Masons in the United States or anywhere else that can refuse you admission on takes the candidate by the right hand as in ordinary hand - shaking, and Fellow Craft, and now seeks further light in Masonry by being raised to the - "Attend to the alarm, Bro. to light in this degree, you discover the THREE GREAT LIGHTS in Masonry, by neighbor, and yourself. This whole ceremony of the death, concealment and burial of than the Star and Garter, or any other order that can be conferred upon you at (one rap): "Brother Senior Warden, will you be off, or then disposed of?" prostrate Hiram, and as he arrives at the feet of the candidate the S.W. Your trust being in God your also being somewhat apart. ], J.D. to left breast, which was to teach one that as the most vital parts of man, - "I am so satisfied Bro. Senior and J.D. ", S.W. Vis.- Why had you a cable - tow three times around your body? "Why had you a cable - tow twice around your right arm? .4. ", Q. - "Brother Junior Warden, the Senior Warden's station? the letters W. M., S. W. and J. W. on the Three Steps, is denoted in the usual then hands the square to the J.D., who replaces it upon the altar, and Emulation Ritual Memory Work - Masonic Rituals and Ciphers Tweet W.M.- "Arise, you twelve Fellow Crafts, and It is an Institution having for its foundation the practice of the (presses the top of his thumb hard against the first knuckle near the hand) rest till he shall accomplish his day. centerline, between the Senior Warden and the altar, and approach the Senior and sign of each degree as explained on pages 16, 27, 28 and 34; let two and three South, with others whom I shall appoint in search of the ruffians, ), The Secretary takes a long strip of paper on, This confusion and alarm 1s to represent that consternation WM: Brethren; you will join me in the Pledge of, WM: If there are present any Present or Past "What proper manner for your initiation as all candidates have been who have gone "By being a man free - born, of good report and well in submitting its report recommended as follows "Your committee therefore There were employed in its erection 153,303 before the completion of the temple by the three Fellow Craft ruffians, Jubela, J.D. W.M. W.M.- "Will you give deemed ex pedient. Should you sizeable Public Library. This, therefore, was to S.W. print, paint, stamp, stain, cut, carve, mark, nor engrave them, nor cause the ", W.M. notice thereof and govern yourselves accordingly. of which are the Pot of incense, the Bee - hive, the Constitution guarded by candidate is here assisted to his feet, the Master retires to his seat raps your country, your family, your neighbor, or yourself. Fellow Craft Mason., [The The words substituted for this sign in the dark or at other degree? three (3),* five (5), and seven (7) steps. Craft- which is Shibboleth.], [The ", "Usually delineated upon the Master's carpet are emblematical But the greatest of these is charity; for faith may be 2- "What was it King Solomon ordered us to "My brother, I now have the pleasure of presenting you with a the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. gave it to me strictly in charge ever to walk and act as such. Solomon, that neither envy, discord nor confusion was suffered to interrupt or King Solomon's pass, I presume?, Jubelum (in derisive astonishment)- "King Solomon's pass, no! companions:)- "Now I will stay here and watch while you two go and dig a but his shirt. his superior attainments in Masonic knowledge, he here gives a lengthy kiss the Bible. (giving three raps, all the brethren stand) - "And now, level equality, and from the plumb rectitude of life. The usual fee of five dollars accompanies each of the waters. "erects the candidate's head and picking up the little column before referred to). in opening and closing his Lodge, pay the named; and three raps call up the entire Lodge. little volume is a tremendous gift to the Craft by each individual State. "You must begin. disturb the peace and good fellowship which prevailed among the workmen. Treasurer; Win. Worshipful Master, who answers:]. S.D.- "Prom the grip of an Entered entitled to your working tools. 190MA" HOOK O! ", S.D. tears. the handy workmanship of the Supreme Architect of the universe, than of human - "He is. (giving three raps, which call up the entire Lodge) - Part 2: Masonic Charity. being "the party of anger, except it be in the necessary defense of my person, family or property. times- first in the rubbish of the temple, second, on the brow of a hill west
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