The FBI released 27 new photos of the Pentagon on 9/11 Even though the two airplanes flown into the World Trade Center towers were traveling faster at the time of impact than the Pentagon plane was (400 MPH vs. 350 MPH), hit aluminum-and-glass buildings rather than reinforced concrete walls, and didn't dissipate much of their energy striking the ground first (as the Pentagon plane did), they still barely penetrated all the way through the WTC towers. The plane penetrated the outer three rings of the building. And despite the appearances of exterior photographs, the Boeing 757-200 did not "only damage the outside of the Pentagon." The images show a thin white object flying toward the Pentagon at a low altitude moments before the object hits the building and explodes. ASCE concludes it was made by the jets landing gear, not by the fuselage. In other words, there's no fuselage sections and that sort of thing." The jet fuel exploded, which sent a fireball outward from the impact point. As detailed in Encylopedia Britannica, on 11 September 2001, attackers boarded and hijacked four domestic aircraft. Follow us on Facebook! The Pentagon after the 9/11 attack - in pictures 9/11 Memorial & Museum, accessed Sept. 19. Hunt the Boeing! Furthermore, several eyewitness accounts report seeing a plane strike the Pentagon. Our fact-check work is supported in part by a grant from Facebook. A Sept. 12 Instagram post shared a photo of the Pentagon after it had been struck in 2001, along with the . And as I said, the only pieces left that you can see are small enough that you could pick up in your hand. Video does not show missile hitting the Pentagon on 9/11 'No evidence that a plane crashed anywhere near the Pentagon.'". We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back. Air Cargo. WASHINGTON Conspiracy theorists may or may not be disappointed Tuesday when they see footage released from the Pentagon showing two angles of American Flight 77 hitting the western wall of the building on Sept. 11, 2001. 1 April 2002. The third plane, American Airlines Flight 77, struck the U.S. Defence Headquarters, the Pentagon, at 9:37 a.m. Claims that a missile hit the Pentagon are a known 9/11 conspiracy theory that evidence has previously debunked. In the authentic broadcast, as confirmed by CNN spokesperson Sydney Baldwin, Woodruff askedMcIntyre about an earlyreport that Flight 77 had not actually crashed directly into the Pentagon, but had instead damaged the building when it crashed nearby. Was the 9/11 Pentagon Attack Faked? | Traveling at an estimated 350 mph, the hijacked American Airlines plane plowed into the southwest side of the Pentagon at 9:38 a.m. EDT, shortly after two other hijacked airlines were flown. Market data provided by Factset. Sean Boger was one of the few people at the Pentagon who saw the plane coming in so low it took down a street light. "We have everything bolted together in a strong steel matrix. The third plane, American Airlines Flight 77, struck the U.S. Defence Headquarters, the Pentagon, at 9:37 a.m. Claims that a missile hit the Pentagon are a known 9/11 conspiracy theory that evidence has previously debunked. The Pentagon attack killed 125 people in the building and the 59 passengers and crew on board the airplane. Cheryl Irwin, a Pentagon spokeswoman, said families of the victims of the Pentagon attack were not consulted before the videos were released on the Pentagons Web site. The only site is the actual site of the building thats crashed in. Tom Fenton of Judicial Watch arriving for interview\r5. , including small pieces of airplane debris. You cansubscribe to our print edition, ad-free app or electronic newspaper replica here. The issue was being unable to track how the money was spent, though, not money going missing entirely. Security camera view of plane smashing into Pentagon\r2. Myths About the 9/11 Pentagon Plane Crash: Debunked, 6 Tips for Installing Your New In-Ground Pool, Discover the truth about your world and get unlimited access to, Debunking 9/11 Myths: The World Trade Center, Debunking 9/11 Myths: About the Airplanes, John McCain: The 9/11 Conspiracy Myths and the Truth Under Attack, World Trade Center 7 Report Puts 9/11 Conspiracy Theory to Rest, Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. Therefore, we have marked this claim as false. It received a letter from the Pentagon in January 2005 that it possessed a videotape responsive to the request but wouldn't release it since it was "part of an ongoing investigation involving Zacarias Moussaoui." Please enter valid email address to continue. 9/11 news footage on Pentagon attack deceptively edited Evidence from official reports and eyewitness accounts confirms that a plane struck the Pentagon on 9/11. 12 September 2001. Official reports and accounts verify that a plane, not a missile, struck the Pentagon on 9/11. The Navy Archives recently released a collection of photos taken by first responders and military members in the hours after American Airlines Flight 77 struck the Pentagon at about 9:37 a.m. on 9/11, blazing a path of destruction that ended in an alley between the C and B Rings. Please do not move this article until the discussion is closed. One was a Pentagon taxi driver and husband of an FBI employee, Lloyde England. Daniel Ellsberg fully expected to spend the rest of his life in prison after he leaked the Pentagon Papers to The New York Times and The Washington Post in 1971. APS ASSESSMENT: False. The renovation project built strength into the 60-year-old limestone exterior with a web of steel beams and columns. When the plane hit at 350 miles an hour, the limestone layer shattered. In 2006, theDepartment of Defense also releasedimages of the attack recorded by the Pentagon's security cameras after the conservative group Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act request, according to CBS News. For most of them, any kind of wound could end their major-league dreams forever. And test your perceptions. Be sure to get the latest news about the U.S. military, as well as critical info about how to join and all the benefits of service. Immediately after Flight 77 smashed into the Pentagon, the impact was obscured by a huge fireball, explosions, fire, smoke, and water from firefighting efforts. a correspondent at the scene, Jamie McIntyre. Boger was in the control tower for the Pentagon's helipad when he saw the plane, which was flying at 530 mph, loaded with 7,000 gallons of jet fuel and carrying 59 people. "I think it's conclusive that plane hit the Pentagon and I don't think the tape really adds or detracts from that," Bortner said. A blast-resistant window must be designed to resist a force significantly higher than a hurricane thats hitting instantaneously, says Ken Hays, executive vice president of Masonry Arts, the Bessemer, Alabama-based company that designed, manufactured and installed the Pentagon windows. He fessed up on camera that his story of a "plane" striking the light poles, with one landing on his vehicle, was a lie and deception. But more than21years later, some social media users are stillquestioning the detailsof the attack. AIRSHOW PSA - NOISE. This is part of APs effort to address widely shared misinformation, including work with outside companies and organizations to add factual context to misleading content that is circulating online. Department of Defense. The Pentagon was not hit by a missile on 9/11, Defence and National Security Intelligence. So we don't know. "I remember praying, like, 'God, I don't believe you brought me here for me to die like this,'" she said. It was Sheila Moody's first day at the Pentagon, and her office was on the outer ring of the building directly in the path of the plane. Meyssan offers no real explanation for what did cause the extensive damage to the Pentagon, asserting only that Flight 77 did not exist, no plane crashed into the Pentagon, and that "the American government is lying. This attack, he writes, could only be committed by United States military personnel against other U.S. military personnel.. He reported at the time that the Pentagon heliportwaslittered with "thousands of tiny shards of airplane wreckage" and what appeared to be part of a cockpit window. The first section was five days from being finished when the terrorists hit it with the plane. Airplane debris was found at the Pentagon, as confirmed byimages and videos from the scene andan array of eyewitness accounts. Pentagon security cameras outside the building captured the plane crashing into the building. To reprint or license this article or any content from, please submit your request, 25 Intense Photos Captured at the Pentagon on 9/11, The Only American Female POW in WWII Europe Had to Fight for Her Status, Why The First US Jet Fighter Pilot Wore a Gorilla Mask During Test Flights, The World's Foremost Sex Therapist Is a Holocaust Survivor and Former Sniper, 6 Minor Leaguers Who Gave Up Baseball Careers to Become Heroes of World War II, Army Not Tweaking Fitness Test After Uncertainty Over Gender Standards, Female Commander Investigated over Alleged Sexual Assaults of Male Subordinates, Pattern of Harassment, Veterans Health Care and Benefits Become Flash Points in Debate over Debt Ceiling and Spending Cuts, Toxic Exposure Law Triggers Tsunami of Veteran Disability Claims, There Are Too Many Generals and Admirals, a Senator Stalling Military Promotions Argues, Biden, Marcos Set to Meet as Tensions Grow With China. \rThe images, recorded by Pentagon security cameras outside the building, were made public in response to a December 2004 Freedom of Information Act request by Judicial Watch, a public interest group. 9/11 Timeline - Videos, World Trade Center Attacks If you expected the entire wing to cut into the building, Sozen tells Popular Mechanics, it didnt happen.. As 60 Minutes II reported in its "Miracle of the Pentagon" episode on 28 November 2001, the section of the Pentagon into which the hijacked airliner was flown had just been reinforced during a renovation project: "We made several modifications to the building as part of that renovation that we think helped save people's lives," says Lee Evey, who runs a billion-dollar project to renovate the Pentagon. Mutual Fund and ETF data provided by Refinitiv Lipper. In April 2023, two sets of classified documents of the United States began circulating on Twitter, Telegram, and 4chan. This material may not be reproduced without permission. It eliminates reality.". As eyewitnesses described and photographs demonstrate, the hijacked airliner dived so low as it approached the Pentagon that it actually hit the ground first, thereby dissipating much of the energy that might otherwise have caused more extensive damage to the building; nonetheless, as described by the New York Times, the plane still hit not "just the ground floor" but between the first and second floors: The Boeing 757 crashed into the outer edge of the building between the first and second floors, "at full power," Mr. Rumsfeld said. , and describes in detail the parts of the plane that he did see. The plane banked sharply and came in so low that it clipped light poles. The 9/11 Commission Report described "The Hijacking of American 77" on September 11, 2001. I picked up parts of the plane with the airline markings on them. Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. Fact check: Baseless claims on 9/11 attack on the Pentagon circulate On 9/11, Some Evacuated the PentagonBut Kept Going Back Inside Two hit the North and South towers of the World Trade Center and one United Flight 93 believed to be headed to Washington, D.C., was stopped by passengers who fought the hijackers. A request that this article title be changed to 2022-2023 Pentagon document leaks is under discussion. For starters, modern airliners are essentially large hollow tubes, not solid masses of metal. The biggest piece I saw was about three-feet long. CLAIM: Two holes were visible in the Pentagon immediately after the attack: a 75-foot-wide entry hole in the buildings exterior wall, and a 16-foot-wide hole in Ring C, the Pentagons middle ring. 2021 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. Pentagon employee recalls day of 9/11 attacks from inside the building Pacific Airshow Oct. 1-3 - Noise PSA (starting Sept. 27) posted on 09/23/2021. Patton Aviation Disabled Veterans Sign up for a Career Change. You can subscribe to our print edition, ad-free app or electronic newspaper replica here. He wrote in a 2010 post for his Line of Departure blog on news site What the 9/11 deniers intentionally misrepresent, is that I was answering a question about an earlier report that the plane crashed SHORT of the Pentagon, nearby. They were not designed to receive wracking seismic force, Hays notes. The fire chief wasn't asked "where the aircraft was"; he was asked "Is there anything left of the aircraft at all?" But thats what the windows were supposed to dotheyre blast-resistant. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. The documents revealed decades of . The Navy Archives recently released a collection of photos taken by first responders and military members in the hours after American Airlines Flight 77 struck the Pentagon at about 9:37 a.m. on. Reba Whittle was a flight nurse ferrying wounded soldiers from the battlefields of Europe to safety. There are also multiple photographs of debris from American Airlines Flight 77 found at the Pentagon crash site, including images released by the FBI. Some social media users are sharing a video that purportedly shows aCNN broadcast covering the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attack on the Pentagon. The 2021 Pacific Airshow will be performing from October 1-3. As a U.S. Army press release noted back on 26 September 2001, one engine of the aircraft punched a 12-foot hole through the wall of the second ring: On the inside wall of the second ring of the Pentagon, a nearly circular hole, about 12-feet wide, allows light to pour into the building from an internal service alley. The biggest piece I saw was about three-feet long. That video, which takes pictures in half-second increments, shows the nose cone of the plane clearly entering the picture, then a blur and then a fireball. Pentagon 9/11 Plane Crash Video 1 - YouTube Emergency vehicles arriving at Pentagon, thick, black smoke and fire at site\rAP Television\rWashington, DC, 16 May 2006\r7. A two-story high impact hole does exist right behind the fireman in the photograph, but it's covered over by water issuing from the fire truck. False: The Pentagon was not hit by a missile on 9/11 On Sept. 11, 2001, hijackers crashed the American Airlines plane into the southwest side of the Pentagon at 9:37 a.m. after two other hijacked planes hit the World Trade Center towers and a third crashed into a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. "I think it's appropriate that the American people be reminded from time to time about the horror of that day, be reminded about the fact we need to remain vigilant, we need to take the rest of the steps the commission recommended," James Thompson, the former Illinois governor who sat on the Sept. 11 commission, told FOX News. The attack was perpetrated by hijackers who flew a passenger plane American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon, killing 184 people. Ukraine war latest: Boy, 6, cries as sister killed in Russian attack Nonetheless, damage to the building caused by the plane's wings is plainly visible in photographs, such as the one below (note the blackened sections on both sides of the impact site): 6) Can you explain why the County Fire Chief could not tell reporters where the aircraft was? As Le Nouvel Observateur noted: "This theory suits everyone there are no Islamic extremists and everyone is happy. debris from an airplane had not been found. The video claims a missile struck the Pentagon, not a plane, as official reports state. The Pentagon on Tuesday released the first video images of American Airlines Flight 77 crashing into the military headquarters building and killing 189 people in the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. "This footage aired once after 9/11 and never again on TV," reads a Sept. 11 Instagram post that featured the video. Fact check: No truth to claims about secret cities under Antarctica. David Martin is CBS News' National Security Correspondent. \rAlmost instantly, a white flash and a huge orange fireball appear on the video, followed by a tower of grey-black smoke. This Is How Many People Died In The Pentagon Attack On 9/11 In the years since the CNN report aired, McIntyre has addressed conspiracy theories that misuse the footage numerous times. The CNN report was deceptively recut to make it seem as though a correspondent at the scene, Jamie McIntyre, said debris from an airplane had not been found. Salwan Georges/The Washington Post. All rights reserved. He said when the plane hit, it sounded "like someone sawing medal, so you can hear the medal grinding through the concrete.". Three witnesses to the 9/11 Pentagon attack tell their stories Copyright 2023 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Fact check: False claim that Biden employed crisis actors to portray Marines during Sept. 1 speech. "Finally, we hope that this video will put to rest the conspiracy theories involving American Airlines Flight 77.
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