It is scary what this president might do or try to do during the remainder of his term. It is mine and your UNALIENABLE RiGHT to OWN any weapon WE CHOOSE It is the ACTIVITY IT IS USED FOR, that is illegal. Glad we have a strong President and got rid of the weak village idiot from Texas. WTF are you people talking about? It never did and it never will. They dont trust it because a black man is president. Since Ive been old enough to vote weve had a collection of clowns in the oval office from both sides of the aisle who seemed to try to one up man ship each other in stupidity. All 10 of Russias top exports posted double-digit gains over the 2009 to 2013 period, the slowest of which was Russian aluminum at 24%. Stand up for your Rights or dont there is no middle ground and no one to blame but yourselves. They just allow the other branches of government to skate on an issue. On the bright side, the import ban on Youre spot on with your retort, but the points are overlooked when what youve typed is so horribly composed. They continued to develop firearms based on the Kalashnikov rifle including the AKM, the AK-74, the RPK light machine gun, and the SVD sniper rifle. And uniting with Russia and the other allies to get the ISIS stopped. I must have missed where I called anyone a name or made false accusations. It was issued as a test to see how far Obama could go to attack the Second Amendment or impose more gun control prior to the 2014 Mid-term Elections. actually to make sure we have all the facts on the table. Florida board countersues Disney as part of ongoing tit-for-tat It seems that everything Obama does is 1) wrong-headed, 2) illegal, 3) ineffectual, 4) amateurish, 5) ill-informed, 6) self-promoting, 7) un-American, 8) harmful, 9) incomprehensible, 10) unconstitutional, 11) lame, 12) dumb, 13) really dumb, 14) all of the above? This is simply an excuse to ban guns. I cannot even imagine what it would take to get the average US citizen to give up free lunches or accept personal accountability. Sounds like an ill informed republican to me. The Shooters Log reflects a number of positions on EO 13662. Obama and Bush are both undermining the Constitution. Rights are taken a little at a time starting with what appears to be meaningless, no big deal, doesnt affect me moves. they are working for Rotschild, Rockefeller, JP Morgan and other elements of global shadow goverment. Just plain truth. Which also makes me believe that he has threatened other actions if his toes get stepped on. NPO IZHMASH OAO; a.k.a. Plain and simple Nobama has to go. Keith must live in another dimension to think oabma is a strong President. The Military uses more Ammunition for the purpose of Training ALL-YOU KNUCKLE-HEADS then they do in Combat. Hidden in the details, was a section that effectively bans AK-47s. Use your voting power at the polls. They supplied arms to a group that ultimately shot down a passenger plane full of innocent people. Obama has taken several vacation calling the official business do you know if those are counted? Machinery: $8,815,393,000 (1.7%) As a general rule, the Executive Travel Guidance is not made available to the general public and it is considered presidential privilege. Any other agenda, would be speculation. These people operate like snakes in the grass. Start at the top and work down and let them know that were fed up. I have never seen an administration that hates the things that made our nation great. Well said divemaster ! What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? This is absolutely in Americas best interest. 5 highly trained attack dogs and a whole arsenal. For sure the past affects the preset and all that has come before contributes to the present. Then maybe I should sell some of my goodies while the prices are high..$$$$$$. Tell me how you really feel about her. If we as a nation, or half of the nation, do not take a stand like some of these towns have done to keep out the new illegals we are going down as a nation. This is how the system works. Stand up for the ones that cant defend themselves against a tyrant. Have you bought gas or food or paid a utility bill. He offers some hearty food for thought, and it would behoove us all if his remarks received our collective consideration ! Really ! Obama is the worst President we have had since WWII. Probably not. ChatGPT returns to Italy after ban - The Verge One thing is for sure, no one was lining up to buy their cars. 2. Yes, changing the minds of half of the country in an Unimaginable task. 2nd regardless of your reference there are a few things to consider. name 1 lol?????????? That sounds as if its time to close this thread and move on to a different topic. Obama is just a pupet like all US presidents since 1913 and Wilson.. __________________________________________________________, Born: Saul David Alinsky, January 30, 1909, Chicago, Illinois, Died: June 12, 1972, Carmel-by-the-Sea, California. And may there be peace on earth. American jobs at the importer, distributor/dealers, and Saga assemblers like Arsenal Inc., Las Vegas, NV will also be impacted. I certainly do NOT want to hear her sing! But to remain on topic This is necessary and should be enacted without exceptions. BREAKING NEWS: From CITES They are all in it for themselves. Dont just blame Obama. Russia and most Russians want a return to the old USSR. Our Navy is being reduced from 430-ships to 306-ships. Same here. The president may also issue an executive order superseding an existing one. There is a reason congress wont back Nobamas decisions. Go back and read the Bush Doctrine and the conse Theres lots of information reinforcing everything Ive said and believe. too much doom and gloom for my nachos. And, Im sure you listen The Fairy Tale Fox News (Oxymoron) Organization. Talk about sheep. We look forward to meeting you and gunsmithing for you. All this hoop la about the President is based on hatred and disgust of a man (bigotry and racism) cloaked in the shroud of distaste for policy. Why should I feed my enemy? 5. no other president ever went on TV and told Americans to tighten their belts and prioritize the turn around and take vacations to Hawaii, Spain, China, Africa, etcThere is no defense for Obama try as you might he is the worse president in history. Basically making them above the law. Not saying he was right in taking all those vacations, but its unfair to him to say we paid for all of it. Your link has been automatically embedded. Think of the opportunity for an American company to step in an fill the void. It put things into perspective and affected me in a positive way, so I felt it important for you to know that something as simple as a forum comment can possess the power to make a difference. Deal with it home. Yes, you just ordered some, but that was what they already had in stock. Apparently, that applies to just Russia. Flexible about whst!? Who cares? Ever wonder how it got to be that we dont these days kill most of the turds and sphincters that God said we should kill. i.e. The executive power in our government is not the only, perhaps not even the principal, object of my solicitude. If you and your customers want to continue to support the Russian government and its tyrannical way of treating the rest of the world, then we should ban you,too. 2) If you feel so strongly that your government is committing criminal acts, produce the evidence that supports your claim. Youre part of the problem. Any irresponsible usage seen occurs relative to the influence of an action, the cause. And every time they have a chance to stoke it up they do. Demsco I absolutely agree with you as well as G-Man. All comments are held for moderation and will appear after approval. Replicate one that uses all american parts. He is generally considered to be the founder of modern community organizing. @ Denver, A follow up answer too your last question. What part of Bama you from? All this even though gun deaths are actually trending down and were a comparably safe country. Cookie Notice It is necessary as a country to have a single voice when dealing with any other country that does something we dont support. Could have been twins .She does favor the walking dead lol. I dont dislike BO because hes black.I dislike him because he is a race baiter & a bigot.He doesnt care about vets or this country.He is a liar.He seems to only care about himself & the agenda you say he doesnt have.These more powerful people you refer to are the ones pulling his strings.I dont see one thing that has improved in this country since he took over.Youre living in a fantasy world.He is taking us down the wrong path.We are less respected on the world stage than ever.The only thing he seems to follow through on is his eagerness to do away with guns. Can this nation stand two more years??????? Career politician is a disservice to all of us. The laws that they say help to keep criminals from doing harm dont work and need to be corrected. Therefore, I cede to you and its back to the defenestration of this piano. A president picks and chooses which sanctions to impose, so Obama had literally thousands of alternatives, with even more affective means, other than to go for the gun industry. You sound like the one who is a communist. But the gun lobby has been quiet afterthe Trump administrations sanctions on Molot. I feel our government is more corrupt and our freedoms are in jeopardy now more than ever before. That he is lying to Congress abou the amount of personal info they are keeping. Gun owners took notice. @ demsco: Well said. Nope sorry. BS to the max! Apr 28, 2023, 12:17 PM PDT 0 Comments / 0 New. Well said Dive. But who needs a Russian AK anyway. If you love Russian guns so much, why dont you go live there? Despite this, I back this rule as I believe a Republican president would/should do the same. Come on thats pretty good. We need to clean house in Washington and cut off what little political cahones he has left for the next two years. However, by the time of this articles publication, it may already be available. I didnt say all AK-types. Actually Jake you havent tried to NICE AT ALL. Saiga/AK ban | Survivalist Forum NOW GO TAKE YOUR NAP YOURE BORING THE HELL OUT OF ME. You are a victim of ignorant fear-mongering. Gov. Idiotic. Total disgrace to all those that made the ultimate sacrifice!This treasonous lowlife should be hanged! To much money on the line internationally for the sanction to not be lifted at some point. Your email address will not be published. Let them take arms. @ Benny: For something to be considered a fact it must be indisputably absolute. Makes me wonder if Clinton getting impeached wasnt just everyone else being jealous. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty. First off dont mistake thinking I am anything even approaching a leftie, liberal, socialist, communist, democrat uninformed nut. He is a mouth piece for the Soros /Bloomberg crowd. I have addressed both of this concerns with my U.S. Congressional Representatives. First thing, we are only talking about Russian made firearms, they are plenty of AKs from other locations. Please tell me all the bad things coming out of this White house that are destroying your 2nd A. rights! Another example is sharing your good fortune or redistribution. Look at what he's done for it so far Yeah, but the small arms ban was just something Obama tacked on for funsies. Not worth it for the few people that it would make "happy" by lifting the ban. I do not see it as buying from the enemy. Mississippi is my old home. Thay must keep a crime free record, finish high school or they will not the permit and will not be license to drive a car. And like so many other instances in these forums, I once again find myself completely blowing the liberal mind with the reality of facts which completely dispels the myths these libs cling to and send them scurrying like cockroaches. While this process is relatively simple and doesnt need much more explanation, we thought this was a gun worth blogging about. Therefore, all AKs and parts imported from other countries are still legal. Oh by the way the IRS has already apologized for their targeting of Conservative groups which lends itself to being illegal by statute. With everyone in the house hold able to use them. I am somewhat curious how they are going to enforce the owe money to Kalashnikov Concern part. Disregard that order. Dont blame the POTUS for doing the right thing. Our economy is much better despite obstructionism as a party platform. Gay rights are are far more important than the rights we as tax payers and citizens were guaranteed in the constitution and bill of rights. After the Soviet Union collapsed, Izhmash struggled to compete with firearm manufacturers worldwide. If congress was more effective in handling their business the president wouldnt need to do EOS. (2) SAIGA 410 GAUGE 15 RD MAGAZINE by SGM - MADE in USA. Though Im always sad knowing I cant go to the store soon and purchase anything on my mind. Cut the crap, just cause your on the internet and can remain anonymous it doesnt give the right to say whatever you want. Hes pissed at Putin and the Russians and hes trying to disarm us. It is not the right to purchase Russian made guns. You will one day wake and FINALLY ask yourself, What the fukc happened, hiw did we get here. 2. She is NOT the only enemy, just the poster child! Thank You.. Thirty days after being published in the Federal Register, executive orders take effect. saiga ban lifted If the people keep knuckling under and complying with illegal laws, bans and everything else odious to the Second Amendment in particular and the US Constitution in general the people in office will continue to infringe. Washington Takes Oppression of Gun Owners to New Lows, Finding a Firearm: My Wifes First Pistol, Throwback Thursday: 5 Long-Slide Pistols I Cant Live Without. 12EO333. Im not buying from Russia or their allies in Serbia or Lugansk until Russia stops its Nazi-style expansion into neighboring countries. With an enemy of our country!!! The AK 47 Rifle has been the focus of Gun Control advocates like Bloomberg, the Brady Campaign, Senator Feinstein (D-CA), AG Holder and Obama for years. Those not so directly controlled are still very effectively influenced while the vast majority are simply fooled by lies, false flags, etc. If you hate your government so much, wait 4 years for it to change or find a government that meets your expectations. I see it as taking parts they may need later on. I agree with Jake D .Also he was not bold he hide it like most do if they are not brave and present a bill to us.Just dont care about handycaped people who simply need to protect their family.Im miles from 911 protection.They would be just too late to help. You have to really have something wrong with you to believe that Oblahblah had nothing to do with the IRS targeting, lying about Benghazi, Fast and Furious, spying on Americans, etc. It is all to common that it is the accused who is forced to prove innocence rather than the way the law intended it to be where the accusers have to provide the proof of guilt. The funding is allocated much differently as well. That hurts our economy worse than it does theirs, so in this case we are cutting off our nose to spite our face. That is just the Army, buying. KALASHNIKOV CONCERN (a.k.a. Glad I already have mine. If that not a crisis, I dont know what is. One of the plaintiffs trying to end the ban says this is their first win. all true, best comment on the true king obuma yet.. The last time I read the Constitution, Congress is responsible for Funding, not Obama. I just read her speech. These rules Ive mentioned are set by the Executive Office of the President to begin with, and are merely a courtesy if followed. The fees were tallied based on a head count of only the political staffers on board each flight, and never applied to the President or his staff. Online resources say that the first two digits of the serial correspond with the year of manufacture, and the two digits underneath the oval shaped proof mark are the year the gun was test fired and certified. Metaphors are great fun. We have a generation of Entitled raised by a generation of Entitled and with no since of Responsibility or self-reliance. Clear editor. We still believed in this country. Conspiracy theorists say its the Illuminati or the Masons, Skull and Bones or Alex Joness favorite, the Globalist bankers, Communists or DHS, etc. t/y, never read it, never will but i bet obuma has a copy on his nightstand of mein kampf and studies it nightly. Under tyranny it is right to be a rebel! 12E0333 and Jake: By Please form your opinions with a cautionary note. These import sanctions were intended to punish the Russians for their aggression and military intervention in both Ukraine and Crimea. The simple point is that Our President (loved or not) has signed an order banning certain AK47s. Action speaks volumes. This has nothing to do with his being Black but you have convinced yourself that it is and that will not change. Little piecemeal items like this Russian made AK-47 and parts ban (what happened to the AK-74?) They are indiscriminately killing christians, all iraqi soldiers, any one they feel is not Radical Isam and doesnt believe in Sharia Law. Adolf Hitler He ought to be impeached and so should Eric Holder. Unknown to the project operators and guys, they were likely detected then attacked and neutralized to a degree which often resulted in their seeming to go crazy. Ill wait until your view of Obama, movie comes out. Blame the tea party for a weak and disfunctional Republican party and blame fox news and conservative talk radio for stoking the flames of everything negative. Financial colapse. When misinformed people hear about these kind of things secondhand and panic , start spreading false rumors, the next thing you know idiots start hoarding guns and ammo and drive the prices up. For all the pro-guners out there I feel your pain and anger from the atrocities against our freedoms, by our current administration. At the rate theyre going I think we are going to make history in the next few elections. It seems to me hes been very careful not to use the executive orders option. Scan this QR code to download the app now. John Lawler Feb 23, 2012 at 15:04 1 March 19, 2013 in Saiga 7.62 X 39. But hey, Im not allowed to say it. Its bad enough that if one disagrees with Obama they are classified as a racist and it is this way because of comments like this. Stand up and be counted, fight from the homefront as well as the federal level with your votes and your emails(even snail mails) to your political figures. Write and call legislators and tell them to do their jobs. However people with common sense and an ounce of decency know that it is offensive not just to Blacks but to a lot of people. The tyranny of the legislature is really the danger most to be feared, and will continue to be so for many years to come. I could say the exact things about you. Lies, division, and negativity. The Patriot Act was a law passed by Congress. AMEN TO Mr MCR hi5s MY BROTHER &GOD BLESS AMERICA, Had russian made ammo such as tulammo also banned i hear alot of talk saying it has does anyone know for sure. The plant supplied the Imperial Army with muskets and firearms during the Napoleonic Wars and during the first Crimean War in the 1850s. Without toning down the paranoid rhetoric, we arent any more responsible than the democrats and wont manage to win elections needed to set our country back on the right path. Free VPN's tend to get banned too. 7) Religion Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools. Presidents have plenty of advisors and are extremely aware of these public perceptions; and base their actions accordingly. Did he have the right sure he is president. We are only human and not perfect so the laws need to be simplified. I am pro gun, pro rights. This is just a ploy to the the anti-gun lobbyists off the administrations back. Instead, the facts are that prior to 2010 there was an expectation that on Political designated Air Force One flights, the affiliated political party would later reimburse the government commensurate with regular airfare fees based on the normal commercial rates to specific destinations. If you did it you go to jail or are executed. You can start shopping by clicking here. The number of people that see evil in every action and manipulate random disconnected events to their own conspiracies are amazing. If you run the quick Mart you dont need I be worrying about the jiffy mart not getting enough customers, The problem with people loke you is that you cannot see what is happening past Bush and Obama. All of the bleeding hearts that do not like what Obama does need to make sure they VOTE next time and elect someone new. This comes after a downstate judge temporarily halted the state's ban on so-called assault weapons and high capacity magazines. We need to take that power away from them and take back our freedoms. your nuts. I could ramble on all day as to what I see wrong with our government but no one really cares. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. No import ban on firearms has ever been lifted and the reason for that is because a president would lose way more than they would ever gain doing such a thing. Money going to Putin and his cronies doesnt help us. Government has to make those choices for people. SAIGA Illustration: The Verge. Im sorry that AK lover will hurt a little but since prices might go up but is not always about me; sometimes you have to be a little selfish less and take one for the team. If you were to provide evidence substantiating your claims, Id jump on the band wagon with you But, without evidence to support your comments, its just white noise. They (people you refer to) who dont trust this government.. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. Crooks have guns, kids on the street have guns, terriost have guns and it looks like the US is going down the same street as many countries fighting in the streets, I hope not but Obama and his gang of liberal Dem-O-Rats, or crooks have to be stopped now!! By Vitaly V. Kuzmin -, CC BY-SA 4.0, This is about weakining a totalilarian ruler who wants to invade and control the freedoms of eastern europe and beyond. He meant well but nobody ever talked about shooting him or vilifying him every time something comes up. We voted in term limits and we have some of these clowns who have been in office so long that theyll probably die there of natural causes. Buy Israeli. I used to buy shoes directly from the Asian Market, they make em and send em here and our stores mark them up unrealistically. For example, travel overseas must be paid for by the State Department and travel within the U.S. is paid for by the White House. Oh thats right he thinks he is the dictator of the world and he can do anything he wants and yes lets not forget his shit doesnt sink Oh my I almost forgot, he thinks he is above the law and only enforces the laws of the land that he wants too. The news fails to mention that the reason there are so many Russians in Ukraine and those other countries is that Stalin murdered and starved the native populations and replaced them with Russians.
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