Alright, youre all set. You nod, a shy smile on your face. Losing you was probably, no, definitely Billys biggest mistake - and hes made a lot of mistakes in his life. Your hands, which were clenching the fabric of your shirt before, fell to your sides limply. You did great! Mike exclaims and pats you on your back after giving you a short hug. The sunset casts everything in an orange hue (though its also some weird blue, thanks to the tarp) when he leans forward and softly kisses you. All just because he was stupid and said some stuff he didnt mean. Or so it seems at first. Will was probably outside or in the AV club room with the rest of the group. Visiting the place where Joyce works - worked - wasnt more than half an hour but the goodbye was tear filled. He tilts his head with a frown and puts a hand on your cheek before pulling your body in front of his chest and holding a knife to your throat in one quick movement. Mike Wheeler just didn't get it. It was different, stronger. Well, well, well. Its only up to them to understand how to fix their bond without making the situation worse, shouting lies to each other is certainly not the best way to start. I have another thousand letters buried under my bed, letters I couldnt send to you.. Just glad youre with me., He scoffs and slaps your shoulder lightly - lightly in his book. I didnt have to get close to you. cute. Because Jonathan wasn't the screw up, Steve was. Will Byers disappears in Stranger Things season 1 before audiences are really able to get to know him. You wait with bated breath when footsteps start approaching and someone calls your names. Got a surprise for you.. The bell rang and you packed up your stuff, pulling the hood of your sweater over your head. They're surviving. She is very sick. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. I wanted to confess today. Its a whisper and you know theyre just as surprised as you were when you found out. Opening the door to the technology filled room was so familiar it hurt. God, whats wrong with me today?? tags violence, blood, scream 6 spoilers, probably unrealistic but whatever :), a/n idk but u couldnt stop thinking abt this so I wrote it heh. Not only did you have no friends, but everyone picked at you for fun. You like her!". we went through the tragedies of the upside down, getting bullied at school, and dark stormy nights together. Flustered, you turn away again and see the trees opening up to reveal the huge meadow that rises to be a small hill towards the end. You crouch down behind some furniture that was definitely rotting and look at him. Your brows furrow, Seriously, everything alright? He huffs and turns to you. On the day of the competition it's awkward. I have a question, Mike says, slowly untangling them from their hug, Why are you avoiding me?. In the second or third week of summer holiday Max got an idea - going to the new Mall. after the recent events of season 4 Will just wants a break but he can't catch one but Lucas and Dustin are their for him even through they got their own issues but they got his back. Wait! someone called, and your brows furrowed as you turned around. Will Byers sits alone in his room at night, waiting for something in his life to change. A Howl in the Dark A Stranger Things FanFiction. You focus on the two girls again, Lets just go outside, the bus should be here in like 15 minutes. Max says with a look at her watch. Anyway, I hope this is appropriate (as appropriate as it can be :) ) and you, @loverofthings2425, enjoy this! Eat. A hundred thoughts crossed your mind but most importantly, who could it be? And it was always about you. Him telling you he wished he never met you, broke you. Its been a while, huh? You nod and enjoy the comforting gesture. Leaning on one elbow, you will away the embarrassment and sigh. When Will first felt him on the mountain, him and the rest of the party on their way to talk with Dustins girlfriend, he thought it would be something else - though the feeling is easy to tell apart from other feelings - or tried convincing himself that, no, El had closed the gate. Theres a kinked shoe box with something inside. Whatd he do? Its Eleven who asks and you clench your fists. The problem, though, was that he was horrible at math. Trying to cough you dont manage to keep yourself afloat which doesnt work. Your smile falls a little and you walk to him, punching him in a friendly way. Mike and Will meet one day, and it's love at first sight, well for Mike. El looked a little lost. Its painful minutes until youre being pulled out, your ears ringing and vision swimming. Hes such an idiot! Well, you could agree with that but still, you liked him. Dunno why. She replies shortly and slams her licker shut before leaving. Angry at himself. But when feelings begin to surface, and people's lives are on the line, they begin to ask one question: Is it really worth it? You agree and unobtrusively maneuver them away from the boys. He watches as your eyes close and your body goes limp in your coachs arms. Everything sounds like a fairytale, with a new beautiful house and bright smiles, right?But somethings missing, someones missing when they get back. Elizabeth Henderson is moving back to her hometown of Hawkins, Indiana. we grew up together. Like, totally. He rambles and his eyes wildly flit around the room. There was a huge misconception surrounding Billy Hargrove. Cursing her under his breath Will followed her. (y/n) Max sighs and sits down on your bed with you. Will opens the door and there is Mike, standing next to the door completely soaked and- in fact, not wearing a jacket. And for what, so you can go swap spit with some stupid girl? You know him! We were going to get her a gift. Finally! I know, the moment is interrupted when two gunshots sound through the theater and the screaming goes silent. But now he was feeling like he was falling in love all again, but he is aware of this now. No, dont-, youre crying against Sams shoulder as she cradles you against her protectively. Including Will giving someone his hoodie. Baby, you say and hope your voice doesnt sound as shaky to him as it does to you. Why did he have to be so cruel? I wouldve never done that but at least they wouldnt have tried anything. He looks at you for a reaction and though youre shaken youre also surprised he was so adamant on keeping you safe from the beginning. One had quite long, thick brown hair, the other a bowl cut with big brown eyes, one of them curls atop which a cap sat and another one who- your thoughts were interrupted when the door slammed open and an old lady looked at you. Sighing, you turned back into the conversation. You threw a wave over your shoulder, walking away chuckling. Your head is basically exploding at this information. Dude. It's basically just a modern AU partial chatfic where the Losers meet the Party. You feel remorse for him, your gaze softening and you take his hand again, the familiar feeling making you feel less on edge. Next to you sits the person you least expect to see. She was pretty cool, you decided. It was a long evening, both of you left tired from dinner with your family. Youre clumsy and trip over your own feet, due to the hurry youre in to not be late to school. Will sighs, Mike. Entering the small ice cream parlor you waited in the short lime, admiring Els new outfit. Also, I changed the events a bit so beware. All the friends - excluding you - were gathered in the driveway. Your mother would drive you to Lenora Hills as you had another big competition come up. You had seen it in the way he hesitated; that he didnt want to leave Max alone. He'd broken more bones in the past year than in his entire life, but at least his family was safe. It wasnt hard to fall for you. Billy Hargrove survived the events at the mall, but he didnt remained unscathed, or unscarred.Will Byers is moving at the end of the summer, but not before giving it a go with Billy. Girls are a different species. Just follow me, taking his hand carefully but with haste you pull him closer. Grinning happily you get off your bike, letting it fall to the side without a care. And itd be so awkward in our group. A year later, it comes to a head on Halloween in a desolate forest well past midnight. Why do you have to know? Will Byers x GN!reader summary: On your way to confess to your best friend you would've never expected hearing him admit his feelings for someone - seemingly - else. He chokes on a sob and chokes out another apology as his father speaks up. You definitely didnt trust him anymore - how could you? They only focused on themselves and what they wanted instead of spending time with you and Will. He hasnt noticed your presence yet, still focused on the small piece of plastic in his hands. LET ME GO! While he was tightly holding onto the straps of his bag El quickened her pace at the sight of you. Now, with his hand in yours, you pull him up the hill, him nearly tripping with your rush. Both your parents were shit and nothing big could be achieved in this small town either. Stranger things have happened in the nighttime, Youre the only one I got my sights on request, Spring in California (Will Byers x f!reader). Coming home you barely registered anything. , , , . At least, that's what the others are calling it. In this world, Karen Wheeler will do anything to bring her precious baby boy home, safe and sound. Ill wait at the exit after school and we can go together.". Sure, this was basically what she had been telling El to do for days but she never actually thought El would do it. He receives a stern glare before Max leans forward and gives him a short hug. You think he did anything? Distancing yourself or not getting close at all was much easier than the pain afterward. So everyone, youve probably noticed those two by now. she gestured to the new students, those are your new classmates and theyll be with us from now on. Talking to her wouldve been easy and Hopper wouldnt have done anything anyway.. Why was he so mad? Your gaze is fixed on your hands and you watch a teardrop fall down on them. You wouldve never expected the group coming to you the next day, asking if youd wanted to join them. You were first! Originally posted by yurtletheturtlehenderson. An excruciatingly long drive across the states in the piercing sun. I, uh, well he searches for words, his gaze wandering wildly all over the place. There was no way they thought this would be resolved with a simple gift. Bisexual Gareth (Stranger Things) Gareth Needs a Hug. You start laughing like crazy, at their stupidity and obliviousness. Tears are starting to accumulate on your lash line, clouding your sight. After all, he was affectionate with everyone except maybe Max. All he knows is that one day everything was normal and then the next everyone had disappeared. His brown eyes are cute, youve always loved them, so it distracts you from your nervousness for a moment. Didnt go well, I take? You nod and he mumbles something under his breath before pulling you next to him in his bed. You hadnt bothered to make friends with anyone, most of them either fake or plain rude. Her friends were already snickering behind her. Just go to sleep now, he pauses and you can feel him planning another comment, Unless you wanna do something else~ he smirks. Mike is in the middle, standing hunched as always, Lucas and Will looking like two deers caught in headlights. There wouldnt be a time where he would just start being your best friend again, he dislikes you. You did think itd be unfair as he was your boyfriend and should know something important like that, but he was still Billy. Letters from El. He has blood coming out of his ears and nose. I knew you would find out about this, he motions to his robe, so I thought why not? See? After an eventful summer break, Mike returns to school but there's a catch. 'Stranger Things': Is There a Secret Connection Between Will Byers and You found it a little selfish of them. Next to you is a presence and you turn to the side. Why are we, he stops when the new (but still very much like the original one) Castle Byers comes into view. Like what is wrong with her? you groaned, telling her all about Angela and why she was so annoying. El had been more quiet since Hopper died a few months back. When you wake back up youre alone. For him, it was all friendly. You expected some kind of bullying the minute you stepped a foot into the building, but instead everyone busied themselves. You hadnt been home much, practice being overbearing and time consuming. But thats where the plans were stuck. One girl had red hair and a skateboard next to her table. Its longing, as if he wants something he cant have. And then all the horror, pain and blood came. Why am I the Victim? A Will Byers Monologue, a stranger - FanFiction ms. byers, jonathan, and will would come very often to visit us. But the only attention that counts was that of your boyfriend, which the school finds out in a rather surprising way. Without Dustin no one even paid attention to Will trying to play DND (except you) and it got more and more frustrating. Gay Will Byers. Dustin never liked Billy, but he definitely didnt like you dating Billy. You dont come out completely unscathed - at least not mentally. Your coach is hyping up the team, paying no mind to your distraught state. Will took the seat on your right, Jane on your left. Will was a shy, artistic boy from Hawkins, Indiana who loved to play Dungeons & Dragons with his three best friends, Mike, Lucas and Dustin. Whenever he sees Max and her friends, he thinks back to you saving all of them, in a mall fire as it was known to the public. No, you were angry and sad. You were shaking a little from nervousness - after all this was a huge day! If he was friends with them El? Did he tell you to get close to Chad and the others? He nods solemnly and you hum, motioning for him to keep going. When it had gotten too much, you walked out. Just.. said it. Relationships, after school jobs, and any other pure chaos they can get into. Youre so cute. Even a year ago when it happened. You watched all the trees and mountains fly past as you drove by, the sun shining brighter and the weather getting warmer. He reciprocates it after a moment, his arms wrapping around your waist as good as he could with both of you kneeling in a dusty corner with the smell of rotting everything around. Ah, yeah. Talk. He emphasizes the word with a pointed finger, before turning around and leaving. Both the young Henry Creel and Will Byers were sensitive, artistic boys who were misunderstood by the people around them. Will seems to ask something to which the others groan, obviously denying. It takes a while before his words really register and its a split second that you move to him and lay a hand on his jaw. Youd deny the loving stares sent each other for the next ten minutes for the rest of your life. Rip.. This may not make a lot of sense, I was tired when I wrote this. He reaches for your hand and you try taking it - screw the fight you needed comfort, you needed him. Anyway, I thought Id stay here for the night and then with Robin until they cool off, you explain while wiggling into his arms. The small group was basically everywhere, so when you walked past the bike stands their excited talking reached you. this is mostly gonna be art and some stories, probably very infrequent uploads, sorry about that one. Admittedly, he was kinda scary. But still, he had also been an accomplice to two killers. Yeah.. Will may stare a little. Stopping at the front door, loud rock music could be heard. Theres a mattress just small enough to fit with some blankets tucked away in a plastic box in case it rained. Joyce had told you earlier, since she knew about you and what you felt for her youngest son. It didnt bother you but it was the only thing left you did as a group. You cant even pinpoint how wrong they both were and how much you just wanted to knock some sense into them. You were staying with some of the parents from the school, as it was easier than organizing a hotel or so. Thats how it happened; you three sitting in a circle around the white noise playing TV. He looks flustered and surprised. Am I your pet? She sounds more like she doesnt even really know what thats implying, instead of intimidating. come back to me, you're safe here, please." Him telling you he wished he never met you, broke you. The air was bad, stuffy, but still better than the suffocating closeness of Will right now. Maybe that shouldve stopped you from committing and entering this relationship. It came only as a slight shock if you thought of all the times she brutally shot down any boy that came close. Everythings so expensive! strangerthings. His hair is sticking to his face around his cheekbones and eyes and hes shaking. One of the biggest in this town. Wills friends arrive and you find out theres more similarities between you and Jane than you couldve ever imagined. Im glad. Leaning forward you slowly kiss and youre happy, even though its a bit awkward because you both dont know what to do but you manage. You hurt her real bad, you know that right? He nods but she doesnt let him explain himself. You bury your face in your hands and let the tears run down your cheeks, watching them fall to the floor due to your position. Playing DND wasnt an option - to Wills and your dismay. These trees were plagued, the same way every other tree, rock, and patch of dirt were. Seeing Billy still at his car, likely waiting for Max, you go to him for comfort. And even after that you see the moment Eleven forgives him and is ready to just settle down again. He was too strong for this shit - and you slap his arm, too, Stop saying that like Im gonna leave any second. When you stopped in front of him you opened your mouth for a greeting (and then to complain about the bothering piece of clothing) when he basically jumped you. The window was opened but the smoke from cigarettes and the stench of some weird tea covered the fresh air coming from it. Im going to tell you the names of the people youre staying with and the addresses. After another typical fight with Billy, you end things once and for all. Also, for a little context, I'm basing this around the idea that Mike realised his feelings for Will towards the end of season 3. He seems regretful for a second and you hope.he apologizes - takes back his harsh words. Uh, he hears you single and frowns, Nows not really the time. Your voice sounds strained and he leans down, basically kneeling on the dirty floor. It had taken Mindy the longest to trust Ethan - though youre unsure if she does - but she tolerates him by now. Being a new student was never fun in any way. You're Not Broken, Okay?, a stranger things, 2016 fanfic | FanFiction Mike, the love of his life and the entire reason Will ever managed to live this long, is gone. Stranger Things: 10 Fan Fiction Relationships We Wish Were Real No Will tries to stand to get away but before he can, a needle gets injected in his neck. But Hopper forced me to! "will, please, i'm right here for you. Gulping you quickly smiled, Alright. Ma'am? Angela called in a sickly sweet tone. Diving into the water and swimming through it smoothly felt euphoric. Also, readers gender isnt mentioned as far as I remember. The tape on the inside had shriveled up and he was frustratedly picking at it. He was attractive, no one could deny that. Will and Mike hadnt talked for years, no letters nor calls, so their friendship is one step from turning into ashes. Most tears had left your body by now, so crying would - hopefully - be out of the picture. You could have everyone! Ringing the doorbell you waited a few seconds, illegible shouts sounding from inside. We do not remember days, we remember moments. Apart from the fact that you seemingly nearly just died youre happy. And he never said anything! Ethan, you murdered one of my closest friends, he flinches as if he didnt know what he had done and you walk closer to him as anger takes over the absolute desperation you were feeling. Not only was she annoying but she could be really mean if she wanted to. And with that final shout the soldiers get launched away from Will and the glass from the NINA project breaks. You give Sam a look, hoping she understands, but Tara is already off to fight Quinn, brick gripped tightly in her hand as she hits it over the other girls head.
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