I saw the Lord was releasing greater revelation of Authority to His Ecclesia (his Government) to destroy the power of witchcraft and the occult and displace it with the life and love of Jesus Christ. The place where we rest in His complete victory. But you shall be named the priests of the Lord, they shall call you the servants of our God. He wants to carry His bride from the place of vows and covenant of a wedding ceremony into the place of consummation and intimacy of a marriage. Suddenly, a helicopter with a huge spotlight came into my room and stopped directly over me. My favor and divine benediction are waiting for you; all you need to do is connect by occasion of your faith with the power of My promise and [], The Father says today that I am not on a budget; therefore, you are not on a budget. Be strengthened for you will battle with ease and precision. I will use these very things to bless and strengthen and launch you into new beginnings! When you look toward the throne says the Father your cry should be "Thy Kingdom Come". Today, the table has been turned in your favour. All who see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the posterity whom the Lord has blessed. Isaiah 61:3-9. To restore and to heal and to lift up the broken and the vulnerable! You are the physical representation of a revolutionary movement in the heart of the Father for Canada! I Decree a movement of the Fathers Love crashing and bursting into the state of California! As they move forward they are in total unity. The peace of God that pass all understanding! We were made to be seated in heavenly places with Him above all powers and principalities. In resurrection power, imparting the Father's love. Walls are falling, chains are breaking and everything is changing because your breakthrough is here! this is the hour for a new world order but it is My kingdom and my Order that is being released and established and demonstrated! They are aggressive and they are being called to storm enemy gates and enter enemy territory. Our feet are being positioned on the necks of demonic kings in this season! More of His glory and His presence. As I watched her, I saw that she was dressed like a warrior. Resurrection Power. The Father says today, you are one with Me. The Father is being unveiled and revealed through His sons and daughters! Across the screen, there was an interruption for a Breaking News story. I saw the movement of spiritual mothering release healing for deep emotional wounds in the fathers; and I saw fathers being empowered to rightly represent the Father-heart of God so they could raise up their children in the training and admonition of the Lord. This Threshold was like a portal/door that had been hidden. In the Spirit, I saw 'the head of Abimelech' being crushed and I discerned that it represented the 'head of Intimidation' and I saw it being crushed on the First Nations reservations. Maggie BarattoFHHM Director & IAHR National Director for Canada. heal your Land. (Songs 8:5). KEY WORD for First Nations people of Canada is Restoration- The Lord is restoring the years the locusts have eaten;, redeeming and restoring the time, making all things new. As the Lord was speaking these things, I saw a vision: I saw a tongue clinging to the roof of a mouth. Their King will pass through before them, the Lord at their head. One of these kings was specifically highlighted to me. Sealed, I Decree a new sound as the Kings arise and reveal the Kingship of Jesus Christ! In scripture, we read how the human body provides an illustration for the spiritual body of Christ, with each part valued, necessary and interdependent (1 Cor 12:12-27). Prophetic word and vision fo the Body of Christ in Edmonton, Alberta and Canada! A few months ago at a womens retreat I heard the Lord say in a powerful voice, theres rumbling in the desert. This is the time to trust the Lord Jesus with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding! Romans 8:15, In a dream, I saw the enemy sowing division within the body of Christ through two evil spirits called jealousy and mockery. They are moving in resurrection power. Deep darkness is covering the people and the earth. There are thousands of these square sections. I was immediately reminded that in the OT, Moses was told by God not to strike the rock for water but to speak to the rock. I saw the body of Christ in Africa begin break-dancing as they broke free from their captivity and plundered the enemys camp and took back everything he stole from their generations! I Decree to the State of California- today the chains are coming off your Gates and today you are being set free from the assignment and the agenda of the enemy! The reason truth makes us free is because it is the evidence of the Word of God. I see the spirit of Elijah is resting upon the women in Canada! I watched as this machine was working to remove dead branches and uproot trees from the yard and dispose of them. The person appeared fearful at first but soon realized this was a good cloud! -, Interact with a Virtual and Local Community of Prophetic Believers, http://www.fathersheartministry.net/testimonials, http://fathersheartministry.net/personalprophecy-2, http://fathersheartministry.net/prophetic-activation-internship, http://www.facebook.com/groups/echurch.fhm/, Click to Order Face to Face with the Father, Click to Subscribe to the Daily Prophetic Word. Come up higher! Boldness and the fear of the Lord is returning to take front and centre stage in the hearts of Canadian Christians. The Father says today; this is your unforgettable hour. These mothers are Gods juggernaut and they have been hidden in the tunnel of preparation but now they are being brought into the open, for such a time as this! As I read Psalms 126:1-6 today, the Spirit of God quickened into my spirit that this is a now word for what is about to happen to His faithful church in Canada who are trusting Him for breakthrough in their families, relationships, finances, communities and Nation right now! Her collective crossing over the Threshold will be a work of the Spirit within her and through her! The word processional means to proceed OR to march forward! Our source is Jesus, and He is getting us ready to take the final harvest. Walking in prosperity is simply being occupied by God. Consummation legitimizes marriage as the 2 become ONE. SCRIPTURE: But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. Christian Prophecy, Prayers & Bible Sharing Updated Daily His Kingdom Prophecy is a Christian Prophetic Website and Resource Center with daily Prophetic Words, Teachings, Testimony and Prayers. This is the Kairos time to press into the heart of our Father. You are seated with Me in heavenly places. Just like Joseph, God is calling upon the betrothed fathers to recognize and protect and legitimize what He is birthing into the earth, through the spiritual mothers. They were full of light and their colours were crisp and bright. Each group consists of rows of people and the rows make up square sections. KEY WORD for the Mtis people of Canada is Breakthrough. https://cash.app/$4HisBeloved Zelle 4hisbeloved@att.net PayPal https://bit.ly/3hknPPH Check 4 His Beloved Ministries PO Box 6572, Salinas CA 93912CHECK OUT THESE RESOURCES My Books and Bible Studies: https://bit.ly/3ura1ZO Bible/Prayer Journaling Products: https://etsy.me/3j7LrJX #4HisBeloved #LisaCook #PropheticInspiration #christianwomen The lyrics are as follows: I suddenly realized the Lord was revealing His heart to me for the Continent of Australia and so this word is for the body of Christ in Australia: Australia, the Father sees you and He is raising you up as a standard against the enemy! The scripture was highlighted in Mark 11:22-23: Jesus answered and said to them,Have faith in God. God has a Voice. I watched as the lasers aimed straight for the chains around the legs of the women. Im removing the thorns that have pricked your hearts for many years and caused you to stumble and struggle in your faith. Watch and see as My resurrection power is being released to revive you and unhinge the assignments of the enemy from your life! I could feel the mercy heart of the Father for the fatherless and for the orphan. The place where we enter into Rest in His complete victory. Their orphan hearts were transformed into the hearts of daughters. Do not turn to the right or the left; remove your foot from evil. As I did, my right arm shot straight up and I heard the words "Resurrection Power" and I was instantly transformed into the statue of liberty! I saw hidden barriers breaking open and the falling away of hindrances that had held back these ones from entering into their true identities. This is the time of The Changing of the Guard in Canada. We want to be the Prophets in your life! It is in the presence of the Father that we become whole! I saw that her bitterness had indeed infected and defiled many. From out of your greatest struggles you will arise into your greatest victories! Theyre fruit was good, spiritual and glorified the Father. They looked like they were on the verge of drowning just surviving, barely making it through their lives. Be threshed of chaff, be refined of dross. And I saw that these mothers were the key to releasing the fullness of the Fathers heart into the earth- because it's the movement of Mothering that will release the movement of Fathering! Truth is truth and the lies are being exposed and cast down. Today I choose to release all of these ones to you and to trust you to sort everything out. She was ready to receive her orders! I thought to myself Oh my Lord, I could have been killed! NOTES: In comparing these 2 scenes I understood what the Father was revealing:In the 1st scene at the strip bar- the strippers had risen up to become the entertainment themselves, drawing people to look at them and behold them. They were once the captives but now they were like Jesus, as they began to take captivity captive! I was shown big blobs moving in front of me and knew that these werewhite blood cells. walk with Me and talk with Me for this is your hour to rise and shine! The complete man will live in freedom by the knowing of truth. Thank you that you are breaking down the barriers and the hindrances that have caused so many of your daughters to fall into despair and to lose hope in past seasons. I saw that the ones in the womb are about to break-through and fully enter the Fathers plans and purposes for this New Era! You will break down walls and barriers and hindrances and strongholds. We must set our eyes on things above, not on the troubles of earth. See now, as the miracles begin to manifest! Spiritual re-alignmentre-vamping and reshaping My bodyall the parts being fitted according to My plan. AMEN. The Lord highlighted a picture to me recently and began to speak to me about it. I hear the Father say- Yes, Australia- Im talking to you! I shall bridge between the cries and release healing. They are unstoppable! There was a huge water-fall and lightening and thundering and the wind was whirling. An undergirding with strength and encouragement that will instil courage and boldness to declare the word of the Lord. Dreams that are deep within the Fathers heart, dreams that have been held back for generations are now springing forth in this season, for its a season of birthing and bursting into Resurrection Life! The anointing breaks every yoke. This spiritual red carpet represents a processional! I see the fulfillment of many hopes. Now is the time to name it and claim it. Millions and millions are in the valley of decision, but I say to you as a son and a child of the Highest I Am calling you to bow to My purposes and rest in the knowledge that I do all things well and will never do anything to detract from My promise in your life. I am calling forth women to return to their places alongside their husbandsto undergird their homes and to lift up their children to Me. The glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former, says theLordof hosts. They are here to move and to transform the mountains in our midst. I see the maple leaf flying high- a symbol of healing for Nations. A heart to set captives free and the Lord says: Prepare to receive the harvest, raise up and release the harvesters for the harvest. Amen, Maggie Baratto Sept 2019FHHM Director/ IAHR National Director for Canada. The Word of God has fulfillment in it, and that is why it is called truth. In the Spirit, I saw a person standing who was full of holes. I see that a gorgeous pearl of wisdom has being formed that can only have come as a result of fiery trials. You will no longer be tossed to and fro. When parts of the body attack their own body, it can be likened to- self-sabotage. But to you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in His wings. Here comes a new move, a fresh wind- a fresh move of the Spirit. Lay down your agendas! What has been lost will be found in this season. I saw the Lord place a bolt of lightning in their mouths and I heard the Lord say- With the rise of My prophets comes the Transformation of entire Nations, for My prophets will speak the change I want to see, for they have been born to transform! Go out in your day and love with abandon, accept without qualification, and give, expecting nothing in return. I declare, the Father is opening a window of opportunity and providing a way of escape for those who have been held captive to the occult and to the power of witchcraft--- I see a supernatural anointing of grace flowing from the throne-room of God ---into the lives of those who have been crying out for freedom from demonic torment! There was freedom and brought a revolutionary change to the hearts of the people. So, Canada, are you willing to be carried? Its a well- balanced meal, a well-balanced release. Several years ago, the Father spoke something to me that I believe is the mandate for the Leadership of the body of Christ in Canada: He said: I have mantled you with authority, to go and bring healing to those who have been mangled by authority!. 3 John 1:2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. Then I heard the Lord say these mothers are my battle axes and when they Roar, they will break the backbone of their enemies. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me. In the Spirit, I saw a spiritual thermostat being cranked up in Canada! I see waves of reception of this new wine as many are being strategically positioned at the Fathers bosom. The harvest is ripe and ready The sickles have been prepared for this new season! I see the Church in Ontario sending shock waves throughout the Nation. I saw these two spirits infiltrate and influence Christians through unhealed wounds in their soul. It was called Kookaburra-- I had heard it as a kid and started to sing it out-loud. Then I saw the Holy Spirit enter this room with a golden toothbrush and toothpaste in his hand. Truth is a person. Stop trying to do something for Me and let Me do something through you. In other words- He wants to take us from the wedding to the marriage. New wineskins are being formed in the church across Nova Scotia. They have merged into greater intimacy with the Captain of their Salvation, Jesus Christ. The words and decrees within the Intercessory prayers were alive and powerful and they utterly destroyed the powers and principalities of the destroyer who had ruled in this valley for many generations. Sealed, I decree the Word of the Lord over you from Isaiah 54:27 which reads - no weapon formed against you will prosper No weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. Ask Me for the impossible. I saw that the ultimate goal for every strategy, plan and purpose within the maps that were laid out before her on the tables, would all work together for one purpose: to displace every aspect of the enemy and his assignments with the Kingship of Jesus Christ. Its as though the earth is experiencing a giant TRIGGER and all that is hidden within is beginning to rise to the top. I see the movement of mothering is being unleashed! We will lose the new wine if we try to receive it into old wineskins. I can work with their faith to explode My heart into the Nations! And now the Father is coming to those ones and casting upon them a new Mantle a fresh anointing of grace and power to run the race before them- they are the Apostolic warriors who are entering into new lands and new territory for there is much to prepare and much to do as many souls hang in the balance. The opportune time!There is such a need for wisdom and discernment in this hour as I saw that no-one could walk over this Threshold in their own ability, it had to be a work of the Spirit. On July 22, 1999, the Spokane Healing Rooms of John G. Lake were re-opened in the same location they were 80 years ago, and have since moved to two nearby buildings to accommodate the rapid growth of the ministry. I see a loosening coming to this province. I was in a time of prayer and worship when I suddenly entered into an open-eye Vision. Divine decrees are being released. Today, I see you dance upon the heads of injustice and violence and poverty and from your feet- from your dance comes a breaker anointing releasing the Glory of God from the Nations- to the Nations! Press into the Father's love as He sets into place the final touches of His plan and releases into motion, the dreams He has birthed within you. The movement of Mothering is releasing the movement of Fathering! I see rest and restoration coming to a people who have been restless and without rest. And there will be a harvest of life and fruit as the cry of the orphan is transformed into a declaration of Destiny. Spiritual mothers, carrying the spirit of Elijah and the spirit of Son-ship! What sticks out to me the most is the determination of those marching. Take charge in this hour and walk in the authority I have given you says the Lord for I will hold you up with my mighty right arm and you will not fail. Just as God told Abraham to go, when he wasnt sure the outcome--- so the Lord has similarly called many to go to Ottawa. You are ready and He is eager to show Himself through you. For it is My glory that will cover the earth! Cal Pierceis director of Healing Rooms Ministries. He paused and then spoke again "I am the vine you are the branches. Canada- Out of your belly will flow the Fathers heart of love and healing and it will flow into the seats of Authority and remove demonic gates and establish pillars and altars of righteousness in core of Nations----. The Blood of Jesus cleanses us from all unrighteousness. Father God, I confess that I have consciously/unconsciously yielded to an evil spirit of jealousy. We just have to LET HIM heal us! There were 3 hydraulic arms, and they were moving fast and powerfully, slicing dead branches, uprooting dead trees and disposing of them onto the ground. Right now, in the name of Jesus Christ, I take authority over the spirit of division, I bind it in the name of Jesus and I break its power over the Inuit people of Canada. To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the broken-hearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives. Rise up church and get your ROAR on! I repent for yielding to it and I ask you to forgive me for partnering and agreeing with it. A LIFT UP and a LIFT OFF as the hand of the Lord elevates you into your rightful place. I am taking the stones that you stumbled upon in the past and Im transforming them into precious jewels for your future! Forget the former things, behold I am doing a new thing! They have the new wine coursing through their veins- the resurrection power! The body of Christ is coming into a time of Mobilization. I saw people of all nationalities and backgrounds lining up on the streets waiting for the Bride to come and they could hear the beating of the Father's heart through the atmosphere/ sound waves. Micah 2:13. Then I saw a vision of a large sickle coming across the earth. End of Vision. There is a shaking and a realignment happening in the atmosphere in the land. God is establishing you in your identity as a Province that releases blessing and healing into the other Provinces across Canada. AMEN and I pray that this word is a blessing to those who hear it. We were made for this, we were designed for this, we were born for this place of Dominion. There were glass slippers on my feet that were smeared with a dance anointing. I want to pause for second, to tell you that I had to look up what a citadel was, because I didnt know. There have been those who have cried out to me long and hard, even to the depths of their beingrenting their hearts before me and turning themselves inside out to seek My face. They will fulfill 2 Corinthians 5:17-18, which says, "Now, if anyone is enfolded into Christ, he has become an entirely new creation. A few years ago I was praying for revival in Canada saying God- pour out your spirit, pour out your spirit and He actually interrupted me and said- Dont pray so much for My Spirit to be poured out because thats the easy part- Pray that it will be received. I knew that this was the Glory of God. Nevertheless, I am here now, and I am raising you up, to walk upon the waters once again. It was like a whirlwind because the whirling of the helicopter blades were designed toaccelerate and intensify the movements of the Bride. I see a remnant rising up they are rising up into the mind of Christ! Their weapons of warfare are being stirred up to be released, they are powerful gifts given by the Spirit -for such a time as this. The tracks for this railroad have been strategically laid in the spirit realm through the intercession, obedience and warfare of several generations. I speak the name of Jesus over you and decree to you that He who the son sets free is free indeed!. Re-posture your heart, humble yourself and lean into Me. As we stood in the hallway dressed in our wedding attire, my husband opened the door with the key and when the door was open, he picked me up and carried me across the Threshold from the hallway into the room. There are hidden resources about to be shaken loose. I knew the time "to cross over" into the new thing God has for us was coming to an end. I saw that: With the inauguration of these Kings comes greater revelation of the Kingship of Jesus Christ the King of kings. I saw their eyes adjusting to the brightness of a new day as the LORD began to dial up their vision and their ability to see where He was leading them! "I Want To Prophesy To You" & "The Father Heart Prophetic School" They are the key that will unlock the destiny of Canada and turn a Nation back to the Fathers heart- To restore the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers! We are entering a whole new Era! When she arrived at the top of the staircase, I watched her step onto another structure that was positioned there. The Father wants all of us ruling and reigning at His right hand. We are anointed to bring Gods mental health to the earth. Prepare to receive the Harvest God will split the rock for you! I saw a generation of sons and daughters who had been prepared by the Lord in the secret place. And their offspring among the people. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? To the body of Christ in Canada- I decree that YOU ARE the agenda of the Father in this hour! These are the prayer warriors, the APOSTOLIC INTERCESSORS! The return to true femininity shall reshape a culture and bring many prodigals home. They are being equipped and mobilized and deployed in this hour- they are being released to take enemy territory by force. I declare- there is a mass movement of captives being set free across the earth! Spiritual ears and eyes are opening up everywhere across Quebec. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. I saw that this Holy Bomb Squad had been sent by the Father- they were His prophetic- intercessors- sent to clear the way, to prepare the way for the plans and purposes of the Father to be fully released into the land through spiritual warfare.I watched as they began to work on both diffusing and detonating bombs! That we will know when to look forward, when to turn our heads and confirm our allegiance to the Father and for us to receive the banner that flows over us, the anointing for mental health.
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