What does it mean if the status is 'under consideration' for two weeks? The permissions to draft and send decision letters can be configured differently by editor role and decision term. How do I draft and send an Author Decision Letter in - Elsevier Privacy Policy. Once the decision has been made to peer-review the paper, the choice of referees is made by the editor who has been assigned the manuscript, who will be handling other papers in the same field, in consultation with editors handling submissions in related fields when necessary. This letter usually contains information on how to return your revised manuscript including instructions on how to highlight the changes made and when you need to return the revised version. Editage Insights is funded by Editage and endorses services provided by Editage but is editorially independent. Cookie Notice and JavaScript. Nature has space to publish only 8% or so of the 200 papers submitted each week, hence its selection criteria are rigorous. Science is a weekly, peer-reviewed journal that publishes significant original scientific research, plus reviews as well as commentary on current research, science policy, and issues of interest to the broad scientific community. Internet Explorer). sciencenature - If its still not there, we recommend you write to the Editor-in-Chief regarding the same and request the editor to send a copy of the decision letter. That being said, they've probably done an initial review and didn't flat out reject it, so that is a good thing! The revised paper will be returned to the author if the author does not provide a cover letter, separate document, or tracked changes manuscript detailing exactly how the author has conscientiously considered and answered the suggestions from reviewers and editor(s). . At each stage, the editor will discuss the manuscript with editorial colleagues in the light of referees reports, and send a letter to the author offering one of the following options: Editors letters also contain detailed guidance about the papers format and style where appropriate (see below), which should be read in conjunction with the manuscript formatting guide when revising and resubmitting. This enables most queries to be resolved before proof stage. Similarly, disputes on factual issues need not be resolved unless they would have altered the final decision to publish or not. independence from the authors and their institutions, ability to evaluate the technical aspects of the paper fully and fairly, currently or recently assessing related submissions. Subscribe and get curated content that will give impetus to your research paper. The reviewers evaluate the manuscript and submit their reviews. Nature Paper submission?!?! : r/labrats - Reddit Cactus Communications. Then this decision is emailed to the author by the editor in chief. Information for authors | Science | AAAS Once you manuscript has come back from reviewers you may be given the opportunity to revise it in accordance with the reviewer comments. Finding reviewers who agree to deal with the paper - another week. Technical reasons usually require more work such as further experiments or analysis before your work can be published. Editorial Process | Oncogene - Nature Include a point-by-point response to any reviewer comments. I submitted a manuscript to a Nature journal six days ago. Simply go back to the section that you need, and try again. Read Editage Insights in your favorite RSS Reader. Comments will be anonymous if the journal follows a single-anonymous or double-anonymous peer review model. Many papers are published online ahead of print publication date: corresponding authors of these papers will be informed by e-mail when the online publication date is confirmed, one week ahead of publication. The Science Editor will examine the manuscript to see if it meets the basic acceptance criteria. After initial checks are complete, the manuscript is assigned to an editor, who reads the paper, consults with the editorial team, and decides whether it should be sent for peer review. To avoid such conflicts of interest, Nature requires potential referees to disclose any professional and commercial competing interests before undertaking to review a paper, and requires referees not to copy papers or to circulate them to un-named colleagues. How to submit a manuscript Common Rejection Reasons | Authors Other ready to use document templates Claim Insert Sentence Go to page The content of the press release mailing and papers described therein is embargoed until 1600 London time/1100 US Eastern Time on the day of publication, which is the time at which the research is published and become publicly available. The corresponding author will receive an e-mail containing a URL. The science editor has sole responsibility for the decision to accept or reject a manuscript, and that decision is final. 2022.6.13 Editor Decision Started. //--> The Journals and Editorial press office distributes embargoed mailings highlighting upcoming content to registered journalists six days in advance of publication. The author is being contacted about the Editor-in-Chief's decision. . In light of their advice, I am delighted to say that we can in principle offer to publish it in Nature, provided that you revise the paper to address a number of further editorial points. In other words when the handling editor of paper takes the decision and submit it in the system then the status gets changed to decision in process. Decisions are reversed on appeal only if the editors are convinced that the original decision was an error. who will be interested in the new results and why. The editor responsible for the final decision has the discretion however to weight individual reviewer comments as appropriate based on the expertise of each reviewer in the relevant areas and the reviewers . Editors need to identify, invite and get (often two or more) reviewers to agree to review. We consider a variety of factors when making a decision at this stageit's not simply a tally of positive and negative reviews. The editor and the editorial team decide whether or not to send the manuscript out to review; the corresponding author is contacted with the decision. The paper is rejected because the referees have raised considerable technical objections and/or the authors claim has not been adequately established. Did you find it helpful? Authors may suggest reviewers; these suggestions are often helpful, although they are not always followed. Clearly show the major revisions in the text, either with a different color text, by highlighting the changes, or with Microsoft Words Track Changes feature. Space in Nature is extremely limited, and so format requirements must be strictly observed, as advised by the editor handling the submission, and detailed in the manuscript formatting guide. Some authors ask the editors to reconsider a rejection decision. Your manuscript entitled "xxxxxxxxx" has now been seen again by our original reviewers, whose comments are appended below. Prepublication via Internet or other methods is prohibited. But in view of. Locate submission instructions for a Springer journal, Submit a manuscript with your ORCID number, Submit a Nature Portfolio manuscript for Open Access publishing, Submit multimedia files to be published online with your article. Answer: Decision in process status comes into the picture when the final decision is taken by the chief editor/editor in chief. Clicking on the "Submissions being processed" link. Often, a positive-toned review will have concerns similar to those. Nature is reluctant to consult new referees unless there is a particular, relevant area of scientific expertise that was lacking in the referees already used. 2023 The Geological Society of America, Inc. After your paper is submitted, it will be quality checked to determine that all needed elements are present. If the editors or reviewers have highlighted shortcomings with your paper that you think you can address please indicate how you would do this, such as providing further data. Natureuses a transparent peer review system, where for manuscripts submitted from February 2020 we can publish the reviewer comments to the authors and author rebuttal letters of published original research articles. [CDATA[> naturescienceBoard of Reviewing Editors . Instructions for ordering reprints are provided after the paper is scheduled for publication. //--> 4a. Sample the courses for free. After the paper passes the quality check, it is assigned to a Science Editor. All peer-reviewed content will carry an anonymous statement of peer reviewer acknowledgement, and for those reviewers who give their consent, we will publish their names alongside the published article. Under these circumstances, further experiments or technical work are usually required to address some or all of the referees concerns, and revised papers are sent back to some or all of the referees for a second opinion. Editors decide whether to send a manuscript for peer review based on the degree to which it advances our understanding of the field, the soundness of conclusions, the extent to which the evidence presented - including appropriate data and analyses - supports these conclusions, and the wide relevance of these conclusions to the journals readership. New referees can often raise new sets of points, which complicates and lengthens the consideration process instead of simplifying it. My paper was published in a journal in 2021 october. Perform any additional experiments or analyses the reviewers recommend (unless you feel that they would not make your paper better; if so, please provide sufficient explanation as to why you believe this to be the case in your response letter). Geology: https://geology.msubmit.net The decision is sent to the author. However, when they communicated their decision to the Editor-in-Chief (EiC), who makes the final decision, it was decided to reconsider your manuscript. 2017-07-13 11:21. We will continue to publish peer reviewer reports where authors opt in to our separate transparent peer review scheme. Editors make decisions on manuscripts using a variety of criteria, if one of your manuscripts is rejected it does not mean the journal or the editor wont be willing to consider your work again in the future. As a Peer Reviewer: When you should say Rejected Manuscript? If the Editor in Chief decides the paper is within the Journal's scope. You will need to go through the through the decision letter to see what the journal has said about the manuscript. The editor contacts the author with the decision. GSA publication submissions are expected to be innovative, provocative (or describe a significant advance in the field), of timely significance, and of broad interest, either within a discipline and/or across disciplines. ]]> If the manuscript was transferred to us from another Nature Research journal, we will not publish reviewer reports or author rebuttals of versions of the manuscript considered by the originating Nature Research journal. Remember if your manuscript is sent for a second round of peer review the reviewers will see this letter too. Natures editors are unable to assign high priority to consideration of appeals. Further consideration may be merited if a reviewer made substantial errors of fact or there is significant evidence of bias, but only if a reversal of that reviewer's opinion would have changed the original decision.
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