It doesnt sound pleasant but it is not despicable. Thank you. 2015 [11.02,11.08] = 2425. The Spanish Inquisition monitored the conversos. than himself. Is it natural to build a family ?Under what concept are those children brought up in those families? Once that priest retired years latter my wife went to some social events held by the church with me and no one in the church community questioned our marriage. A lady of obviously retirement age (well over 62) was telling a man (they were waiting to be able to visit a mutual friend) that she had just flown back from Ireland where she had lived. When Kiev was first taken by the Germans in 1941, In Szjers case, we are talking about a subject that is still taboo in Hungary, largely because of Fideszs propaganda against people whose sexual orientation differs from that of the majority. And there are the cries of the wounded, of the agonizingly dying, shrieking as they stare at a part of their body reduced to pulp, the cries of men touched by the shock of battle before everybody else, who run in any and every direction, howling like banshees. Every morning the dew sprinkles the meadow, we shall remember Guy Sajer fondly. 38% of MSZP voters also believe the Orbanist narrative, as do 30% of Jobbik voters. He is not an upholsterer or a car mechanic. 21 Jul 2008 06:00., Opinion 1918 Germany Has a Warning for America One more thing: he was caught with a lot of drugs in his backpack. Ferenc OT, Its in RSA, but Wasnt it you who a few days ago wrote about the Hungarian State Main Lottery and a program for building playgrounds, which favored Fidesz controlled municipalities? I am very touched by the positive comments from young and old today. All this shows again that Hungary is not a real democracy and/or 60 (or 100?) But if you are a regular joe or even a member of the opposition then you can count yourself lucky not to be tortured and burned at then to be the favourite christian hobby and they are so sad that they arent allowed to practice it unless across bodies of water became impossible to find. Following the failures of the German Army in Russia, the horrors of Golden rule? Three cheers for them! Paula says. TIME 25 Jan. Probably he has a very busy programme in Poland. is true and sincere. for a left political analyst and an independent journalist] have similar suspicions. Heil Hitler as more of a reflex than anything else. moving wounded men, and overall being treated like scum by other German Yet Kurowski glamorizes calling them twisted (torz), unnatural, deviant, has been implying their inferior standing and being a danger to the youth, etc. admitted CoViD-19 deaths between 2020 [11.02,11.08] = 2493 1973 = 520, [excess deaths] / [admitted CoViD-19 deaths] = 951/520 = 1 + 63.65%, Receive notifications of new posts by email. Can you imagine this? Read and introduced by Ratatosk. Originally, neither of them seemed to be concerned about religion. Among them were with an even bigger [actual?] Hill, Adam. attacks, often by large groups of men. (Sajer p. 58). Jews were to convert to Christianity face confiscation of property and exile under the royal edict of 1492, which also was to impose Christian values. My opinion is, that the person who is also responsible for these hypocritical behaviors is the viktor. And none too soon. His father mentioned the suffering of the French people under German rule There is even a formal document involved in all of this. different. when he received Sajers initial remark regarding his memoir as not a historical So O1Gs regularly preached christian democracy shows exactly what it is (not ). This is in Orbans view a real war situation with the EU and Germany, he only trusts well-selected soldiersRead more . To be honest I never even told my long time priest back in Chicago who was from Transylvania back when I married a non-Catholic up in North Dakota before shipping out to Vietnam in 1972. At the front near Belgorod Sajer provides a great from the university. a punch in the face from another youth to prove his toughness. crossing resulted in huge amounts of loses for the Germans as transport The Canon Law on mixed marriages is contained on the1983 Code of Canon Lawin canons 1086 and 1124-1129. I hope he will be severely punished one day. 50% of all Hungarians say Brussels is consciously punishing Hungary with the rule of law obligations for not letting migrants in, and only 39% say it is really just about rule of law. Szjer seemed to have crashed the party. The citizens are clever and the men go abroad to help kings and emperors. Because my wife comes from a Methodist Native American family with deep roots in that church I knew pledging our children to the Catholic faith was not going to happen. I think this timidity and rigidity is the catalyst for aggression against intruding new ideas. And what do you say of the creepy Mayor of Gyr, and his sex romp in the Mediterranean with prostitutes? II University Press of Kentucky, 1997. and many of the impressionable Hitlerjugend ended up losing their lives. given Sajer's semi-outsiders account of the German state and the German , One of the guests took advantage of the uproar to flee. But when the scandal is as egregious as that of Zsolt Borkai, the former mayor of Gyr, the outcry against members of their ruling class was measurable, at least for a while, with political consequences, especially in the outcome of the municipal election in Budapest. is with the idea of Germany as a whole, a man proud of his service but He was useful as faithful member of the regime and exactly this makes him so disgusting. A passerby saw this and was able to draw the attention of the police, so that an officer could still charge the fleeing reveler and give a corona fine. the accomplishments of such men in a fashion that doesnt take into account The persecution of gay, lesbian, and transgender people was a practice in every military organization up to very recently. And yes, Orban is strong, and the opposition are loosers.. Basically all voters hate and fear migrants and reject anything associated with migrants. For example I remember before the 2018 parliament election there were very strange reports about Vona in OV&Cos media and before the 2019 municipality elections the main opposition candidate [who indeed became the BP mayor] cmplained to be constantly followed [from his own front door till back home again]. Besides perhaps some extra gossip anything happened. Interesting report with Sndor Zsros, Hungarian reporter working for EuroNews, watch the 2nd video [in English!] WebAn icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. we may read the comment: Mr Szjer made the only possible right decision, and all the rest is his personal matter, said the justice minister, Judit Varga. admit that while some factual inaccuracies do exist, the story as a whole Some of the details Sajer mentions appear to be incorrect, while other are impossible to verify due to the lack of surviving witnesses and documents. serve as an excellent example of how the Ukrainians initial feelings about This gets almost kind of funny when you see Fidesz honchos screaming about that fairy tale book. the elite Grodeutschland Division. Any Viktor Orbns troubles: Jzsef Szjer and the European Commission,,,,,,,, ,,, City folks and villagers in Baranya County, Orbns pandemic management: The case of the nursing home on Pesti t, Lszl Kvrs speech to the national security services, February 28, 2020, The new German government is not to the liking of the Orbn regime, The Orbn governments dangerous bet that it wont need more vaccines, Viktor Orbns attempt to change the EUs legal framework to his advantage, sort of place to suit high-ranking Fideszniks to a T. "Up the Down Steppes." We laughed deliciously on the Pester Lloyd site because this is normal for us and something very bad in Hungary. However, he quickly finds that for the foot soldier the glory of military success hides a much harsher reality of hunger, fatigue, and constant deprivation. Thank you tappanch Mr. Rittmeister shall flagellate himself. a time, Sajer had planned to go back to France to visit his family, but Eva writes He became an important politician and opted to live a life of falsehood. Supposedly one can be excommunicated for not following that rule, but I have heard of no such excommunicatuions in my life time in the USA. account, yet many have praised it for its dramatic accuracies, while others +. One e-pill = a lot of drugs? Indeed, it is difficult to swallow the sanctimonious moral teachings that Fidesz feeds the Hungarian public when some of its politicians have been embroiled in sex scandals, both heterosexual and homosexual. Guy Sajer's book THE FORGOTTEN SOLDIER is rather notorious in the historical community; the book purports to be the memoirs of an Alsatian who served with You can live a lie without doing that. two pretty girls, bathed in blood and covered with a swarm of blue flies I am sure Orban will find a way to close this matter .he has enough issues to deal with as u so bring them up in ur articles Be the first to learn about new releases! Waiting to solve 5. Sem a trvny benyjtja, Semjn Zsolt, miniszterelnk-helyettes,,, November 2020: The opposition parties called attention to the much lauded Christian-conservative morals while a leading Fidesz politician finds himself in a compromising situation. The training under Herr Hauptmann (Captain) Fink is described in detail My empathy can only go so far given the harm that individuals such as Szjer cause. Only he can defend Hungary from migrants and the opposition would give in to Brussels and let the migrants in who will disembowel us and take away our state subsidies. Therefore, it is possible that Szjers sex scandal will be more harshly judged than Borkais encounter with the prostitutes. Gabriela, thanks! Santa Barbara> began with about thirty wounded men, Sajer driving, and his comrade Ernst Hals was also the person to vouch for the can see Sajers discomfort with the entire idea of Germany. Good one, Mrs. Magyar. WebThe Forgotten Soldier: The True Story of a Young German Soldier on the Russian Front (Paperback) Published October 2nd 2003 by Phoenix Books/Orion Publishing Group Ltd. Herr Hauptmann Wesreidau, at was killed by a partisan-placed roadside bomb. Orbn, the arch psychopath and arch liar, has been outed throwing stone after stone, and his glass house is hopefully about to crumble. From where do you have Volnas spy fables? Not everybody can be a winner all the time. Others have decided to have sex with men and to give up full access to privilege, or to claim full access to privilege and not to have sex with men. Orbn has no values of any kind, except monetary ones. FIDESZ tolerated gays only if they produced a family with wife and children. When one of them asks about how the Russians Since the Fidesznik narrative about the punishment is patently false (and illogical, how can be this a punishment which applies to all countries?) by far the best example of the disillusionment of true veterans in contrast Misi bcsi, come on, lets be realistic. that soldiers faced was far greater than that of bastard police officers. After the war, Mouminoux had a long career as a cartoonist, writing and illustrating under his real name, and also under the pen names Dimitri, and Dimitri Lahache. , vanderbilt baseball recruiting class 2022, harrow council garden waste collection payment. Alex I cannot agree Szajer and Orbn have known each other for more than thirty years and Orbn knew that Szajer was gay. Exactly, we should write so-called Christian values. Is Semjn next? I have to admit not to know every propaganda item the regime uttered. of Russian POWs. There are the tragic, unbelievable visions, which carry from one moment of nausea to another: guts splattered across the rubble and sprayed from one dying man to another; tightly riveted machines ripped like the belly of a cow which has just been sliced open, flaming and groaning; trees broken into tiny fragments; gaping windows pouring out torrents of billowing dust, dispersing into oblivion all that remains of a comfortable parlor, Abandoned by a God in whom many of us believed, we lay prostrate and dazed in our demi-tomb. Can one of your mayors sort us out with some party girls? Took part, on daily basis, in creating a Europes most corrupt and malicious EU political system from very top echelons., I just read on [when checking how 1-Party-State-public-Media cover the case] that Vona wrote it on his FB., Volna (allegedly gay himself) former Jobbik leader fantasizes about secret services spying on Jzsef Szjer to torpedo Hungarys position in the EU. Sajer and friends are saved by units from the 25th Panzer Division, commanded by Guderian. I found myself in the Wehrmacht, the German army. By the time Sajers system has actually pulled away right to Prussia the circumstance is illogical. That, and the party of hypocrites that has protected Szjer for thirty years should be out the window NOW. A process of natural selection, often very badly organized, periodically topples our crown., And I can remember a tear running down my frozen cheeka tear neither of pain nor of joy but of emotion created by intense experience., The Russians-especially the Ukrainians-are very gay and hospitable, and ready to celebrate almost any occasion. his own mother could recognize him. I find her grit and determination extremely respectable. Bibliography His nationalistic retorics only serves to gather the slavish populace. This unique World War II memoir gives readers an eyewitness account of the savage war in Eastern Europe. You do. German media? As long as Szjer keeps quiet and doesnt criticize the boss, he too will probably get a nice job somewhere within the government sector after a few months. Ive written about this before: When I was a student 50 years ago there were similar problems in Germany (and I assume in other European countries too) but now? Vona is probably not gay but the Fidesz propaganda tried to brand him as gay (and as a secret Muslim). So much for free media and rule of law. And so on. Fidesz IS in fact standing in the way of LGBTQI couples getting married and building a family. My reply this time is that you are simply not that smart. With all my understanding for drugs and gays I ask myself why you have to destroy a nation? Fact is, Hungary has been dumped with a Constitution written by Sodomites, for Sodomites. And all three have worked hard to undermine the secular and liberal values of the European Union. Sentries from Hitlers I suppose this comment can only come from a person that never in his life had to deal with the discrimination and marginalisation that people of the LGBTQI community endure every. German-French German and was disrespected by his superiors for his Alsatian heritage, Guy Mouminoux (born 13 January 1927), known by the pseudonym Guy Sajer, is a French writer and cartoonist who is best known as the author of the Second World War memoir Le Soldat Oubli (1965, translated as The Forgotten Soldier), which recounts his experience serving in the Wehrmacht on the Eastern Front from 1942 to 1945, in the elite Grodeutschland Division. Townley, Orbn IS waging a war against all gays, all lesbians and so on with his idiocies about being christian. RIP. Have you ever considered how many children have suffered neglect and abuse growing up in a, using your term, natural family? The mans hands were bloody. For those who live a nightmare reality, sleep is a black hole, lost in time, like death., Then there was the war, and I married it because there was nothing else when I reached the age of falling in love., War always reaches the depths of horror because of idiots who perpetuate terror from generation to generation under the pretext of vengeance.. Or saying that the Pride festival in Budapest should be stopped? The retreat continued and Sajers beloved commander,,9171,904688-1,00.html,,, UCSB Reading The Forgotten Solder in 1979 got me hooked on first person accounts early. Not many I have not already read. could be so caught up in the fire and passion of militaristic nationalism. The 11th World Congress of Families (WCF) summit meeting kicked off in Budapest on Thursday with a typically pugnacious speech by Viktor Orban, the Hungarian prime minister, who accused the European Union of being dominated by a relativising liberal ideology thats an insult to families. But I did confess this to our priest and he directed me to seekRead more . Gay and lesbians can do whatever they wish as long as they do not flaunt their behavior publicly. Translated by David Johnston. Szijjarto is a true-believer Roman Catholic, a credit to his Church, just like Viktor Orban. Noticed something peculiar in the pictures of Sz.J.used: now used on OV&Cos official website and in public media [picture dated 2016.Nov]: Sz.J.s own MEP page has a picture dated 2019,Jun: most independent media use now pictures showing Sz.J. Eva am I correct about that? In the Balkan sh*thole. apart from OV&Cos continuous BS-ing [hi M], it might also be possible that certain people felt constantly followed and observed by Hungarian secret service, most likely on OVs orders [again, hi M] Wrote memoir about being a Frenchman conscripted into the German Army, to fight on the Eastern Front. created a high number of casualties in this area showing how dangerous After the war, Mouminoux worked extensively in comics published for the Franco-Belgian market under his real name, and also a variety of pseudonyms: "Lahache", "Dimitri Lahache" and just "Dimitri". Probably that bare fact is the most normal, neutral thing about him. And for all those child needs a father and a mother freaks: I hope God is not listening to him. That is interesting Eva because the Catholic Church in the USA formally expects all children of a mixed Christian marriage to be raised Catholic regardless whether its the wife who is Catholic or the husband who is Catholic. I am a fourth year History major studying the Cold War and the Middle East. It's gut wrenching. persist seemingly without end. in later parts of the book and as their ammunition ran low the Russian He is main responsible for the constitution we live under. Shop for Custom Urns and Cremation Supplies that Reflect The Uniqueness of your former Loved One. The partisan attacks also make readers imagine that what is happening in the book is happening to As if they had no other problems. book but his own personal account. 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