Im really not going to drink those now. They had the color and texture of jeans, but it looked like fabric that had a bit of a shimmer, like a fabric digital screen. Maybe these were digital jeans, like muffins tag, and they could be whatever color and texture a person wanted. It seemed like whatever Peter was worried about didnt actually matter. There is not just one parallel universe, but there are infinite numbers of the universe in place and that is making things a . I wondered where exactly I was, how could this public sign be in English!? The reality that you experience will always correlate with. It was more a figure of speech and there was no cause for alarm, but whatever it was, it wasnt regular or normal. The very first thing that came up was Wikipedia. I got out of the hospital bed, but when I looked back, the bed looked like a normal bed in a conventional bedroom. The shuttle things looked like public transportation and reminded me of the hybrid electric busses in Seattle, but these were much more fancy. Id had that explanation from BridgET. -/Agence France-Presse, via European Southern Observatory/Afp Via Getty Images. It was like there were wheel covers on these skateboards wheels, but they were like fancy sports car skateboards. NASA scientists detect evidence of parallel universe where time runs These train cars looked to be the same color and texture of the landscape, as if someone was trying to camouflage the train somehow. I wanted to rename Thanksgiving and call it Native American Observance Day of Thanksgiving and stop eating dead animals, even though I am not a vegetarian. I made a low quality, now unlisted, YouTube video on the evening of my experience called Waking Up From the matrix For Real where I took 2 hours to describe everything that happened to me, but this experience is not something I have talked about much in my personal life. Nicolas also knew that I was aware of this event and two others, Operation Paperclip and Operation High Jump. They had the shape of a skateboard with things coming off the ends like a hammerhead shark. Woman Claims To Be From A Parallel Universe - Ghost Theory I turned to Nicolas and said in a serious tone, Hey Nicolas, I know thats not your real name. I wondered if those were houses too, some kind of giant residential buildings, but this was such a foreign strange land I had no clue about. She did want him to know though that, in his emotional upset, hed scolded the wrong Allison from the wrong timeline, but it was a happy accident and wanted him to think about how he was going to handle it. A man who has adopted the pseudonym of James Richards claims he was chasing his dog through Del Puerto Canyon in California on September 9, 2009 when he tripped in a rabbit hole and knocked himself unconscious. Immediately Nicolas started communicating to me telepathically and said, No no, {or oh, no}. I sat on the bed with Muffin, and I figured they had put this food in my room because they thought I liked it when actually I didnt. A three day stay seemed unusual for me, well it was a time between afternoon/evening to a full day and now this morning. The Germans needed the industrial might, power, and access to resources that the United States had, in order to build out their galactic infrastructure with their flying saucers. I remembered you dont read in dreams so maybe something was wrong with my visit here because I had read a tag and was fully conscious. Then WHOMP came a huge giant, mind sending packet of information into my head. Machine Peoples is the only way he could relay to me what he was or why he looked/appeared like an android at that very moment. I am an average American citizen living in Seattle Washington. Now Jackie Fuchs On the day the story of my rape came out, I. In our society, we do not widely understand how the physics of such a phenomena works so it is difficult for us to grasp, but Im sure it all makes sense within the laws of quantum physics. As best as I can, I will write about this mental conversation in the order that it happened. They always wore regular civilian clothing, nothing that seemed out of the ordinary to me- denim or polo type shirts, sometimes checkered, with kaki pants or jeans. Wonderful! Imagine sitting in your living room, he told me, listening to the radio. She seemed to know more about what was happening than I did though. Its been more than six decades since Einsteins death, yet I keep going back to that photo of his desk that I saw as an 8-year-old, the work he left unfinished and its profound implications. However, belief in it has lingered throughout history and has even made its way to modern day entertainment. Nicolass mind said, Theres no way that the Military Industrial Complex could have formed in my timeline, (like you know of it as in your timeline). Then somehow I knew that the child Me in the room didnt actually speak English, either not at all or not very well, that she was from some country in Europe where English was not her primary language, if she was even familiar with it at all. I figured I could somehow repay the thankfulness I had for other people who had opened up my consciousness by writing down my experience and making more videos to share on the internet. I casually said to Nicolas, Well, if were near Washington DC, that would be bad. There were no gritty little details like, How many UFOs does our government have? in Nicolas timeline. According To Scientists We Can Sneak Into The Parallel Universe Through I actually did want to go home.. Would I even be allowed to know about it? In my native timeline, The Military Industrial Complex grew into the monster we have today, but our public is barely aware of how this effects all of us down to our every day lives. However, I had just gotten this food out of a sealed package, it tasted processed or manufactured somehow, and by this time my consciousness was so turned off by processed food. These claims were incorrect. They had time splicing technology and time healing technology. They didnt even look like they were at work. It was very casual. The answer I somehow knew in myself was that all these people had souls, they werent just robots, even the robot people had souls and werent only machines as they had appeared to me. The mysterious man's passport backed up his story. In this picture, subatomic particles are just different notes on a tiny, vibrating string, which explains why we have so many of them. I reached down to pick up a device. Gaiam also started out as a yoga and fitness company. I was happy to see it because I hadnt remembered seeing it yet on my hospital visit this time, but it was like I had spent time with this same particular monkey before on previous visits to this hospital. She was telling Peter that he got the wrong Allison {or the wrong person}, she was saying something to Peter in her defense of his scolding, and it seemed like everything was all right. What kind of current event would you want to watch the news for! After hearing Wilcock talk about the RA and the Law of One material so much, I also read this literature all the way through. I want to know his thoughts, he famously said. Couldnt you get excited by that? That doesnt excite you at all? While they were talking to me, a corner of this bedroom disappeared so I could see them in the control booth. I knew that when I read the RA and the Law of One, it was very sad to me that Don Elkins committed suicide at the end, and I wanted to know if that happened in Nicolas timeline (or if suicide happened at all.) They said, Well, we had to try it.. It felt like I should think more importantly about my parallel timeline experience because, in the scope of humanity in my timeline, visiting a parallel timeline is important. Although we should probably all forgive each other and thank everyone for our spiritual evolution, the Orion group is to the people of Earth as the White men are to the Native Americans, but on a cosmic scale. I had always wondered why it was that I chose to observe this particular life in this particular time, if time did not exist. I scanned the skyline to see if there were any prominent landmarks or buildings I could recognize or if the city looked familiar to me at all. Do you know what is going to happen next in my timeline? I thought that was a very strange question. It wasnt strange to me to find out that me in another timeline has two irises in the left eye. For her, it seemed like I was in her normal bedroom. I was now wearing my normal white hospital clothes. People thought the world was going to end in 2012, and some people still believe today that the world will end, especially if the solar flash happens that Corey Goode talks about. Like maybe the paint pattern in a wall is slightly different. Maybe I was on a different planet. February 22, 2022 / Apocalyptic and Dystopian, Conspiracies and Government, Historical Fiction, Military and Warfare, Monsters, Creatures, and Cryptids, Science and Experimentation / Alternate History, dystopia, Parallel Universes, science fiction, Secret Experiments, Traveller / 44 minutes of reading Please wait. Most of them were blue, blocky capital letters like the same font I had read on Muffins tag but thinner. If I woke up the next morning and didnt remember anything, Id feel well rested and everything would be normal. The negatively polarized group that ensnares our consciousness on this planet also benefits more greatly by keeping us alive and under control rather than killing us or letting us know weve been taken over several hundreds of thousands of years ago. My parents say the school sent them a letter notifying them they were going to give me these logic based tests and then sent them another letter saying I got high marks on the tests but I wasnt what they were looking for. There was no specific mention in the letters of what type of school or special program they would have sent me to had I passed the tests. The term parallel universe is just a buzz word title that would gain interest to this document more effectively for anyone searching for this type of information. Has anyone ever visited parallel universe? : AstralProjection - Reddit When I started watching Cosmic Disclosure, there were only about 5 episodes. After 3am, just before I was taken, I figured I really needed to go back to sleep. I had no idea how this was all possible. We dont have transhumanism in this timeline. Oh my gosh! The next thing I knew, I woke up in a bedroom, and Peter and Nicolas were there. Parallel Universe, the eighth studio album by American band Plain White T's. "Parallel Universe" (song), a song by the Red Hot Chili Peppers on the 1999 album Californication. This seemed to be a gender and race attempt to see what might appeal to me. We may have spotted a parallel universe going backwards in time He kind of rolled his eyes at me and said, Oh goodness under his breath. This is the reason people who have had alien abduction experiences often dont remember them after they have returned. I tried to convince them not to let the government put chips in their hand or augment their bodies with technology. The first thing that came in was that we were in America and it was 2016 (for both me and Nicolas). Maybe I was just north of Anaheim or in the northern part of the city. You cant just walk down the street and talk to someone about Corey Goode like you can about Donald Trump. She wasnt fat, she was just more endowed as a woman, but I thought, I hope I dont get fat in my timeline.. Are Some Of Our Dreams Glimpses From A Parallel Universe? They were assimilated into the United States government to develop technology for the Americans. I would propose that others besides myself have also been abducted or taken to parallel timelines with rarely a conscious recollection of the experience. Over the next month I had a very strange attitude and self esteem issue about this thing. In my society these subjects are taboo and blanketed as false conspiracy theory. Although I have a lot of training and education in holistic health and spirituality independent of religion, I do not consciously recall any other outstanding, prominently strange experiences like interactions with ET, angelic visions, ghosts, etc. Although the Orion Alliance seems to be negative (militaristic, domineering, conquering, enslavement of peoples and their consciousness), they too have some important role to play in our spiritual evolution. As I recall, the photo caption noted that among the stacks of material was an unfinished manuscript. She looked a little less scared though. I got the hopeful sense from Nicolas that if this disclosure happened in my native timeline in 2016, it could possibly not take us 10+ years to come to the same peaceful liberation that Nicolass society went through because we have the internet and lots of technology here already. I said to them, You guys! She had white grey hair, but it was hard to judge her age too. I dont know if he teleported or if he flew up into the sky and flew away. Maybe it was common for people to stumble out of this hospital not knowing what city they were in or what day it was. The room looked mostly normal except for a large corner of the room where another virtual reality scene was playing out. I am certain I selected Update and Shut Down because I wanted the computer to turn off and stop waking up. By occupation I am a full time preschool teacher and part time restaurant hostess. I knew this monkey had been sent into my room to provide comfort and companionship. It was so weird, unlike anything I had ever experienced. Did he mean stay in this one spot where we had appeared after teleporting where there were no people from the public? I knew that, for some reason, they had brought all these Mes from different stages of life, from different timelines, into this room in order to try and help save the dying girl on the table, that was also Me/Us from another timeline. This window had that kind of technology and I knew it. The trash box was similar to the food box, but it was on the floor and the food box was mounted on the wall at the same height as the bed. The ball had always been there but I had never noticed the brand logo on it before. As I was walking back to him to get answers about the situation, I noticed a large sign. I experienced everything in this parallel universe/timeline as consciously, sensory, and logically as if I was awake. His name was Albert Einstein. One morning within the past year from October 2016, I woke up to find that the time on the watch on my wrist was three hours behind the iPod sitting next to my bed. It was explained to me that if I passed the tests I would get to go to a special school for gifted children, but they only gave me two or three sessions of these tests. Nicolas said, Just play with Muffin and be happy. By that he seemed to mean, Just play with the monkey and be comforted because I know this must be a longer stay than you are used to and we cant let you go back just yet.. After Trump won the presidential election of 2016, I figured this particular message could have also meant that somehow Trump was going to get defeated during presidency or that his craziness was going to be toned down or reigned in somehow after becoming president, and the message meant that this event was going to happen before my next visit to this hospital. The monkey was the size of a large cat or small dog. By now I knew that she could possibly be talking about non-fiction issues having to do with alien abduction and human-ET hybrid children. It seemed to him that, even though my timeline was more negative, this had forced me into a greater spiritual awakening than I might have in other timelines. Nicolas said that, The American government felt it was in the best interest and safety for the American peoples to know the truth about this knowledge, and because they had done the right thing they received benevolent assistance from off world races during this conflict/upheaval/social unrest. Eventually there was some sort of peaceful settling down, resolution, liberation of peoples/their consciousness, and release of advanced technology. The lighting in the bedroom was dim but there was plenty of light to see what was going on, and there was very soft faint jazzy music playing. The only way I know how to describe it is that the boys looked like they had on screen jeans. If you look at a real snakeskin side by side with a high quality photograph or digital image of a snakeskin, even if youre not familiar with technology, you know very well that something is different about one of them. It is going to take quite a bit of reading for you so I can unpack what this mind sending packet from Nicolas was. Maybe he wasnt going to tell me. ? I think he knew very well that I never watched the news, regularly or at all, in my native timeline. I knew I needed to go over to the train and look into the first train car since that was the open car with the cloth draped over the lid. I saw that the nurse was too busy at the moment to comfort the children so I went over to the child Allison holding the baby and said, Hi Allison, just like I would to a scared or shy child at the preschool where I work. In an instant, I was back in my own timeline. The society of my native timeline is 3rd density transitioning into 4th density. I saw that the small monkey I was familiar with was running around on the floor. My computer was near my bed and was on sleep mode, but it woke up and the screen came on. That is, most likely youll wake up in your bed tomorrow, not on Mars. I told that intuitive voice to go take a hike until I was ready to accept what it was telling me, that Id meet some random person Id seen on YouTube talk about a crazy subject like ETs. I know about the law of one through David Wilcock and its all very interesting. Imagine You Visit A Parallel Universe | by Fahri Karakas - Medium Upon waking up, he found himself in a room next to an unrecognizable machine with a man who introduced himself as Jonas. Like the Federal Reserve, they are a privatized entity with high governmental influence. I thought something about aliens, but this place seemed too normal for that kind of thing. It was 6:30am! Nicolas knew that I was aware, from my Cosmic Disclosure education, that in the early 1950s UFOs were sighted over Washington DC. Hardcover, 384 pages. I wondered who Nicolas and Peter were going to try and make me have sex with this time, but it was like I never actually got to have sex in these scenarios, kind of disappointing. The information I came home with may be important for humanity and the consciousness of our timeline. They even have Looking Glass Technology.. More love and forgiveness would definitely be good to stir into this whole pot of oppression and suppression, and after reading this whole document, Im sure you will feel the same way. I was in the hospital bed, but all around me was a landscape of a rocky brown desert, similar to Mars. There were no people around us in the immediate area where we had just appeared, but there was a lot of people and activity going on farther off on the roof. Also, as a juxtaposition, in other timelines that are worse off then mine, perhaps Corey Goodes information is not available to the public at all or maybe Corey Goode, himself, is in some type of hiding. Thank you again for sharing this, as it definitely helps understanding more on my path.I hope to read more (nice) experiences in the future from you . I just had to sit back on my bed and lay down for a moment to digest and process what the heck had just happened to me. I thought this stay was longer than usual. In a sense our timelines are the same but different. They say you dont read in dreams because the part of your brain required for processing numbers and letters is not accessible while you are dreaming. Quora - A place to share knowledge and better understand the world People often have a recurring dream about a place they never visited, or even heard of. I was trying to tell it I didnt want it to scan my head too! Parallel universes are no longer just a feature of a good sci-fi story. I thought, So what if they still have souls. Such dreams could also be incoming images from an alternate world where you are . She was laying in the bed with a light blanket over her. Then he let the device go back into the air. Nicolas seemed to think that the negativity left behind by the Draco/Archon/Orion group was also important for spiritual growth and awakening, even though it could have also been the reason why we didnt all jump into ascension right in 2012. I thought it was so convenient of these people to have this technology and make people wake up from it like it is a dream so as not to interfere with their free will. In physics, the concept of a multiverse is a key element of a leading area of study based on the theory of everything. Its domain encompasses the tiniest particles of nature, those hidden deep inside the atom. He seemed very doctorly and very down to get with the business of the task. They looked to be late teens or early 20s. I thought they could still have transhumanism here, and I thought Nicolas was lying to me about their society not having transhumanism. This was the opposite side of the bed where the food box was mounted and here there was a small square table with three drinks on top. In the room are the waves from hundreds of different radio stations, but your radio is tuned to just one frequency. It seemed like I was in northern Anaheim from my vantage point in the city, where I could see the sun coming up, and I could see lots of city further south from the building I was standing on. Inside this bowl was what looked like puffed O cereal. In September 2015 I started watching an internet television show called Cosmic Disclosure on Gaia TV, then Gaiam TV. Top 5 REAL People That Visited A Parallel Universe - YouTube 0:00 / 10:39 Intro #paralleluniverse #alternateuniverse #top5 Top 5 REAL People That Visited A Parallel Universe 7,602. By this thinking, the universe is a symphony of strings. First I wanted to know what years they did RA and the Law of One in his timeline. I laid down in exhaustion, not knowing what was happening, but I tried to check in with myself. I tried to convince them not to give over to the AI virus and transhumanism. Top 5 REAL People That Visited A Parallel Universe - YouTube This essay is part of a series called The Big Ideas, in which writers respond to a single question: What is reality? This is totally not my type! (and they knew it, I knew they already knew what I liked). I got down off my hospital bed and came over to Nicolas by the window. Characters periodically travel to this universe using either transporter technology or, in the show's most recent iteration, the so-called " Spore Drive ." An 1884 story by Edwin A. Abbot called " Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions " took another approach by suggesting a living, breathing universe with only two dimensions. I figured the nature of time itself must also follow the fractal of the platonic solids in shape and principle. By now I had practically forgotten about the fact that I thought I may have been abducted by aliens because we were not on a space ship. I went to get out of the bed, and I had the inkling that I wanted to go into the next room to see how things were coming along. I looked at my watch again and it was 3:30am. Everyone and the situations in Nicolas timeline seemed to be in their more actualized form, in their form of a higher vibratory state of being. I was about to explain to him why I didnt like the food, but just then Muffin jumped up on the bedside table. This could have also been some kind of juncture to sacred geometry that all of our timelines have to go through, some kind of bottleneck where we become the same timeline, ascend, and go out from there into the geometric fractal of time and space. One visit resulted in some of the Biblical patriarchs being shown how to become immortal. I woke up feeling well rested, as if it was morning, but it was still quite dark out. Im astounded by the way you dont seem to be scared at all in this situation, cause even if we read and learn about what is going on behind the deep states secrets and we can imagine it, it is not necessarily the same when experienced. I figured the closer we were to Washington DC, the sooner his government or supervisors would find out that something was going amiss with my visit here. The correct date it was supposed to be. I knew I could remember everything that happened to me, and some of this experience was highly uncharacteristic of any dream. I just didnt know what to do anymore. I figured thered be no harm in asking the public near the street corner front entrance on the roof. In ancient China, dreams were treated as the way through which one can visit the dead people's world. Nicolas was in my hospital room. I held the screen up to Peter for him to see and talk to her. #top10 #ParallelUniverse #alternateDimensions Top 10 People Who Visited A Parallel Universe 223,662 views Mar 1, 2020 Top 10 People Who Visited A Parallel Universe Subscribe To Most Amazing. Quantum theory is based on what is known as Heisenbergs uncertainty principle, allowing for a small probability that we can exist even on distant places like Mars. Nicolas looked to be about my similar age, in his 30s. Although my experience seemed benevolent, the ones who took me from my native timeline also had to follow the rules of the treaty in place, good time travel etiquette, and the cosmic laws of quantum physics, so as not to interfere with free will. It was almost like he was trying to prove a point. I figured it was synchronicity and someone was trying to tell me something. Nicolas said with his words, Youre going to be fine. The truth about extra terrestrials and flying saucers. I found it interesting that Nicolas called them UFOs to describe them before the disclosure, and he called them flying saucers to describe them after the disclosure. Imagine that our world in the . Just like anything else in my experience, I could have misinterpreted it from what it actually may have been from their perspective because for me, it was like visiting a foreign country. The lid to the first train car was open and a black or dark grey cloth was draped over so you couldnt see inside. I was very interested in this article about food because Id had self-imposed, drastic dietary changes to alleviate common serious medical issues like cavities in the teeth and cervical dysplasia. Most of the people in the next building over looked very human or most humanoid, but a few of them did look like these robot peoples. It was a breathtaking sight from up on the roof. I didnt read the new message because I was disappointed that the old message I had clearly read was no longer there. 10 Creepy Tales Of Interdimensional Travel - Listverse I was so startled, not because he was a robot, but because I was scared that I was in a transhumanist land. Had I broken his timeline somehow by mentioning transhumanism to the young girls from the public? The child Me picked up and rocked the baby Me to try to console it. I understood this was actually just me in another timeline. Unifying these two spheres of thought into a single and coherent theory is an ambitious undertaking, one that builds on and adds to the work that Einstein began. Along with the information I provide later in this document, I did not notice anything flying around high in the sky when I looked out at the city from this vantage point. Afterall, who wants Back to the Future in 2015 messing up the beautiful blue sky? ! I immediately got the sense that he meant I had made some kind of public videos about different timelines, it could have been positive or negative ones.
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