And when it's retrograding, of course, it's going to be falling back into the sun. Brad Pitt (Mercury conjunct Mars in Capricorn, 6 degrees orb). You can use your acute intellect to recognize when you elicit defensive or hostile reactions in others. How could you deserve that? The top three lines are heaven, and the bottom three lines are thunder and thunder is associated with like action and life. She's much less problematic. Mars Conjunct Sun; Mars Conjunct Moon; Mars Conjunct Mercury; Mars Conjunct Venus; Mars Conjunct Mars; Mars Conjunct Jupiter; Mars Conjunct Saturn; THIS WEEKEND we have a Mercury Mars conjunction in VIRGO. Yes, the square to Saturn brings out the worst of this conjunction. He whispers in my ear How do you like that you privileged white trash bitch? He gets off me I shout to my boo in the corner, Did you see that?Did you hear that? He was so engrossed in his damn phone, he didnt witness a thing. Scorpio is known for its Venus and Mercury conjunction in the 7th house is good for getting a beautiful spouse and the characteristics will be very soft-spoken, loyal, and jovial. WebSo, as Mars is with Mercury-Venus, person can be putting efforts and actions in these fields. You make for a great mate, Pisces. And you also have a god that was associated with highways and travel, and also currency and marketplaces. This conjunction is heavily feltwhen the strong energy of Mars infuses such an important planet as Mercury, its effect is really powerful. Very useful and protective. Mars That attitude is often exactly what leads to the hip having a serious problem or is like a symptom of it actually having a serious problem. Gain insight into your destiny, find harmony and elevate your consciousness with the help of a personal birth chart reading. But it's not the same thing as saying that we need to be obsessive mentally about whether or not we're approved up or something like that. It's a little bit like that. It is pure, raw energy. From calamity. You are good at management and at prioritizing tasks. As Even in your professional life, forming harmonious relations will require modifying your naturally defensive attitude. Mercury in Virgo Meaning in the Natal Chart The exact manifestation depends on the context, so without knowing the house, sign, and its aspects, these are general guidelines. Two bright planets, Venus and Mars, are in good view as darkness falls on May evenings. A malefic planet in an evil house (6th is a dushtana) is good. However, this direct means of communication can lead to arguments and hostility in more personal relationships and your social life. I'm not trying to hurt or offend anyone like this, this overly cautious attitude, it's good. What we cling to is how we stay in an innocent and it has to be righteous, and then it has to be carried out with heartfelt submission. Mars WebCurrently Mercury the last position in the planet will transition outside of Virgo on September 30th then Venus will transition outside of Virgo on October 4th, then the Sun We're going on six, five and a half. Mercury in 11th House for Virgo Ascendant. Excellent debating skills allow you to stand up not only for yourself but for the rights of others. 25th June, My sun, mercury, jupiter, venus, rahu, saturn all are in 12th house of virgo ascendant. It's an analytical combination, which means that Mercury and Mars like to cut and dissect and to learn craft or skill or craftsmanship. Mercury conjunct Mars is street-smart rather than lexical smart. Mars effects does Mars in conjunction with Jupiter in the There's some interesting, esoteric reasons for the placement of mercury having both a domicile and excitation in the same sign. So here's the other thing is that it says nag and actually one of the byproducts of acting righteously, is that when you're around other people who are acting unrighteously or who are sick, sick is could be literal sick could be a way of saying that they're infected by some disease of, you know, morality, that that or that they are, that they have pretension, ulterior motives, lack of modesty, that they're rash or something like that, that when you're in the presence of people who are like that, there will be no need for you to take medicine, and you won't be infected so long as you act carefully and righteously. What's good for me, I don't even know exactly what I need. So you can always tell if Mercury is out in front of the Sun in Zodiacal order. This conjunction indicates that your movement is quick and you can be physically rather strong. And this line is also saying like, you can't do it in a way that's superstitious because calamities happened to people who are innocent, that's a part of because other people, because in this cosmos, other people will try to take things that they don't deserve, or that isn't theirs, or that they're trying to do something, and it's an act of thievery, or whatever the case might be. Feelings are scary water bearers but not nearly as dangerous as pretending they dont exist. 37:38 This is kind of And the main thing that we're talking about today is the conjunction of mercury who is currently in its own domicile and exalted in the sign of virgo, and is going to be conjoining, Mars, Mars who is also in Virgo, and let's watch how that is going to actually play out. Mercury/Mars Conjunctions - So when you think about submission, you're also just thinking about, like, in that situation where the person might be way more worried about my hip than they need to be. Job search hasnt been going well what with delays and postponed/cancelled positions Ive put in for (Web Development if youre wondering about the trade). Okay. Mars is the planet of desire, decision, and action. You hate wasting your time on unimportant details, and you especially hate it when you have to repeat yourself (or have to listen to something multiple times). The five major aspects; trines, sextiles, conjunctions, oppositions and squares are determined by the angles the planets form to one another. Moon in 8th and mars in 10th house. And oftentimes, there'll be lines that change and lead to a second hexagram sometimes it's just one hexagram. And we will also sneak preview the sun's opposition with Jupiter, which I'll be doing a full video on tomorrow. Combust Mercury in 2nd House in Virgo Mercury conjunct Mars. And I could feel they're just they're going into fear. If Mercury is in the sign of Virgo in your natal chart, you take your responsibilities very seriously. In astrology, the shifting relationships between planets are known as aspects. January 18, 2026 Just because Mars & Mercury are both in the Sixth House, it doesn't by definition mean they're conjunct. August 17, 2021 By Adam Elenbaas Leave a Comment. It is in your more intimate relationships that this tendency to get into arguments poses the most significant problems. And typically, what I do with the I Ching, in the morning, after these practices, is to ask the I Ching, what is the wisdom that you would provide or what is there to learn or know, that would be helpful about this particular planetary conjunction that's in the sky. Im held down by his full weight on my torso. heartfelt submission also means to reduce some submission to reduce something. I have a good strategy. In astrology, it has an essential role. So I asked for help regularly. WebA malefic combination of Sun and combust exalted Mercury in the second house in the sign of Virgo can cause problems soon after the marriages of some natives and these problems may break their marriages, if more negative planets intervene in their horoscopes. On the other hand, in that situation, if I act carefully and modestly again and say, yeah, you might be right, I'll have to think that over. Mercury-Mars aspects, especially the harmonious ones, are excellent for any field that requires assertiveness, fast decision-making ability, leadership. Because it, it contributes to your life a sense of wholeness of virtue, it keeps you in line. If the Sun Sign is in Aries or Gemini, these people can come across as more bull-headed than they actually are. You are quick at noticing patterns. May 16: Jupiter enters Taurus. And that the door is being open to one who is acting and behaving that way and they don't there's no pretence, misbehaviour or undeserved expectation they're not like oh yeah, the doors opening I can just go you know, it's not like that. Plus I also have a cap moon . An ex or two might be haunted by the memory of your sweetness, so much so that they take to haunting you. On one hand, this gives great ambition, but if you live its lower octave, it can affect negatively your relationships. But there is a sense in which again, cautious, careful, modest step by step advancement is heaven supporting me and am I in right step in my in rhythm, we need to be thinking about these things, especially when we're getting that Mars, Mercury burst with a really powerful Mercury. This website doesn't provide any financial, legal, medical, psychological, or any other kind of professional advice. I have been dealing with intense rage the last couple of days with regard to a neighbor situation. So even our sense of kind of, I'm pure, I'm careful. Hey everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology and today we are going to take a look at Mercury's conjunction with Mars in the sign of virgo, which is coming up over the course of the next few days. In Scorpio, messenger Mercury goes underground and undercover, on the lookout for hidden information, potential breakthroughs and transformation through information. The tight conjunction of Sun and Mercury continues as Sun and Mercury leap almost simultaneously into Scorpio on November 16th. Cancer is the 11 th house for Virgo ascendant. Two bright planets, Venus and Mars, are in good view as darkness falls on May evenings. I'm going to take the next step. How do you How can you tell that it's the evening star? A strong Mars in the chart suggests that you are persistent, active, initiative, but also impulsive and. However, this conjunction can also manifest as argumentative, belligerent personality traits. The second hottest planet Mercury may help you to Virgo is very analytical and careful. Remember that if someone cannot match you in talking feels and taking steps, you are better served by backing off. For example, in Virgo, Mercurys influence is stronger, and it tends to dominate the WebWhat are the signs of Venus and Mars in your natal chart? So that can happen to you, it can happen to me. Because Mercury rules thought and Mars governs action, expect increased mental activity and heightened agitation. But we're, we're trying our best to be in alignment with the Dow. Few things stay hidden from you. No one, I'm gonna give it two days, and three days or something, and, and, you know, my hips still bothering me. Thank You for the interpretation interpretation! Mercury in Virgo is an overthinker. My natal Saturn is on Sirius, and since then Pluto opposition is forcing me to change the job, but no luck. And now we have mercury appearing again as the evening star. Well, hexagram 30, in juxtaposition to 25 tells us it all depends on what we claim to here's the picture of fire and what it clings to like wood or, you know, some kind of fuel. No spam ever. Kendras in Navamsa. I think Nepal earthquake happened a week after April Lunar eclipse. That's really interesting. And then it's like, you hit this sweet spot once you get around four, maybe four and a half. The planets in question do everything together. This primarily manifests on an intellectual levelyou are curious, spontaneous, chatty, resourceful. I mean, it's a good idea to have an innocent attitude. So Mercury is a really dynamic planet. So, there are some prescriptions that the eaching gives to us, that the thing that we need to cling to, has to be righteous, not like self righteous, but righteous as in it has to be good. If you liked this article, maybe you want to save our site for later. And if it's direct, it's going to be typically moving away from the Sun and further ahead in Zodiacal order. on Twitter: " The tripod for Tall and short people: Tall Is this Do I have is their virtue with me right now? August 17-19th (exact 18th) As both planets are in forward motion they travel together in the tropical sign of virgo. The Astrology of Sports: Previewing the NFL Draft. The conjunction in Virgo tamps down the directness, and extremely short temper. Isn't that a beautiful phrase heartfelt submission, heartfelt submission is not submission as in your worthless bow down. So last night as mercury Mars are perfecting my wife and I are sitting up late talking after the kids are in bed, we're sitting there talking about, you know, effective communication strategies for helping her deal with fear, anger, extreme emotions, right as Mercury is conjoining Mars, we're talking about our parenting strategy. So here you can see that Mercury, Mercury and Mars are in the seventh house, and they're below the actual horizon line at the moment. I hope you enjoyed this meditation on mercury Mars today effective action. So after the sun has set below that horizon line, there's Mercury up in the sky. Now, as always, if you have a story that matches with any of these before we go into our deeper meditation for the day here. There will be an aggressive or defensive nature to your thinking at this time. Intelligence, wit, decisive action. So I've been like organising and buying some organising things and like, you know, kind of kind of tweaking my diet and my exercise routine like I've noticed that those kinds of earthy practical activities are present right now they certainly you know, they come in like that. To act according to what is right in the presence of others who are sick, or contagious with some bad energy, there will be no need to take medicine, you won't be infected, as long as you act carefully and righteously we want that's the complete opposite of what we just said. I'm trying to remain innocent, trying to do the right thing. And I really do think it over and I think, is there a serious problem? And I mean this in a good way! Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The tripod for Tall and short people: Tall: Sun - Capricorn, Virgo Moon - Leo, Scorpio Lagna - Libra, Virgo Strengths: 10th H, Mars & Mercury are strong. March 15, 2026. Mercury conjunct Mars August 17-19th (exact 18th) As both planets are in forward motion they travel together in the tropical sign of virgo. No beating around the bush with this conjunction. Merc. Yesterday, Mercury left its conjunction with Mars in Virgo, which blended the energies of mental wit and communication, and physical vitality and action. Mercury and Mars Conjunct in Virgo - Nightlight Astrology That if you if you can kind of imagine that what you're doing, and that you're not assuming all the doors open, I have the right to do whatever I want. The effect of a conjunction can be either positive or negative, depending upon the combined energy of the planets and the influence of the sign they fall under. At any rate, so the first hexagram I got for today was number 25. Navamsa (D9) Chart Interpretation Tips Little bit more elaborate, but, and this ends up happening. We had to obviously get on the same page with how we're dealing with that they say it's terrible twos. So, a big transit. Resist and overcome by thinking deeply, speaking carefully and acting rationally. Connect with your spiritual center and expand your knowledge with the Nightlight Astrology newsletter. The spouse may look beautiful, slim, and athletic in structure and of fair reddish complexion. Rather than obsessing over how youve been done wrong and how the bastards got away with it, start imagining and carefully manifesting the right partnerships for you. WebSometimes, direct Mercury makes close conjunctions (within a few degrees) to natal Mars, while also conjunct the transiting sun, only at much longer thirteen-year intervals. These three zodiac signs are the biggest party animals, Aaron Rodgers will 'act out' in Jets No. So that's one of the messages of the sign really beautiful teachings, right. So at any way, we're always trying to put ourselves we know that you're, you're feeding the right fire, you know, the fire has the right fuel in your life, and that innocence and the right attitude that can help you progress in life is being maintained or managed, because you're always referring to it. what an amazing synchro that New Horizons is doing its flyby so close to this conjunction/opposition! And I mean this in a good way! But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Mars Conjunct Sun Aspects Natal and Transit | These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Please check your entries and try again. . Mercury conjunct Mars maximum orb 630. And it's in its Evening Star phase, but you can't usually can't see it unless it's approximately 15 degrees away from the Sun. It's very fast moving like the moon. 5:50 Sometimes I like to bring in the I Ching. Your email address will not be published. The saints are male and female and the hierarchy in the church is meant to be service and not egoism with the Pope known as the servant of the servants. In the case of this conjunction, the astrological context is perhaps even more important than usually. In very plain English: YOUR MIND WILL BE ON FIRE. If your ego is strong, you can have a desire to prove that you are right in every situation. Like, I'm bulletproof from, you know, manifesting negative things, or whatever it is, a couple of days later. Planets aspecting the conjunction add a touch of their energy too. May 7: Venus enters Cancer. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. So this is significant because Mercury is showing itself in the evening sky, kind of the newly born Evening Star conjoining with Mars in the sign of its own domiciled in the sign of its own exaltation. According to transit astronomy, the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Ketu are the nine planetary bodies that make up our solar system and impact our lives. WebIf Mars and Mercury are within 10 degrees of each other, we say the planets are "in conjunction" or "are conjunct with each other". Sometimes you're going to see mercury Mars a little bit more accident prone, sharp tongued and witty, so it can be fun, clever, but also it could be a representation of verbal abuse or some kind of verbal altercation. I think that's I think that's BS. And then in two days, three days, because I've been cautious and careful and considerate, and not pompous about my own innocence or my own. People with their natal Mercury conjunct Mars usually perform well under pressure. I'm bulletproof. I mean, it's very old, but it's like the last 500 years BCE. Jamie, this Mercury/Mars opposition Pluto would also be squaring the last Lunar Eclipse degree around 14 Libra that occurred some time ago, would it not? The main one being, look, you can't feign an innocent attitude or take up an innocent attitude as a kind of superstition as a bulletproof way of avoiding negative things, or it will if I'm in check with the universe, and you know, I'm nothing negative will manifest? So one of the messages of this hexagram over and over is that, look, if you are someone who thinks that you're owed things that you don't really deserve, or goes after things that you don't really deserve, or tries to appear innocent and doing things like for the good of others, or I have such good motivations, and it's really selfishly about you, that you can eventually experience an undeserved calamity because you're feigning this idea of being innocent, that later things that appear to you that feel like you were innocent, how could you possibly have had anything you know, how can you possibly deserve someone blaming you about something that you didn't do? Required fields are marked *. The key to managing this potent aspect is to control the impulsive and aggressive side of Mars. We are to love and serve one another and submit to one another. These attributes are acceptable in a fight but not helpful in social settings or between partners. Conjunctions bend the energy of two planets. I'm independently minded, strong actions, plans or strategies, again, different kinds of theft that can come up. If you take my course you could learn more about that. Im a leo sun, jupiter with a leo mercury that is conjunct my virgo mars and venus. This can be used for mental pursuits, lively conversations, or the activation of latent ideas. My Libra stellium is in my 10th house, Pluto is transiting my 2nd house, Mercury/Mars is transiting my 8th house on that date (thankfully 4 degrees away from my Vertex at around 18 Can). Well, part of this is saying, Yeah, well, that's why you have to be careful about going after things that you don't deserve or not. Planetary Transit 2023: List Of All Planetary Transit Date, Time Etc We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. This is a funny combination because I don't know if any of you guys have that combination of their Sun and Leo moon in Pisces. so that it becomes more of a diviners manual. Fearlessness and self-esteem are the key retro hello. A conjunction, like Mars and Mercury are experiencing now, occurs when two planets are within zero degrees of each other on the zodiac wheel. My SR return on sept 4th has this, already feeling it. Like what does it look like when someone sort of has the gods or the divine at their back, they've got the winds of destiny at their back helping them along. Then in the afternoon, I see clients, develop curriculum, whatever the case might be, whatever is on the list for the day, you know, the seeing clients in the afternoon after I've done this whole routine in the morning, and I've been doing that for years.
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